| File Listing |
2000ASPI.ZIP 25.8 KB 1994-01-31 Always IN2000 ASPI manager for DOS.
22BCM2.ZIP 161.2 KB 1994-02-01 BCM MENU SYSTEM 2.2 Complete Menu & File Maintenance System
261TO262.ZIP 95.8 KB 1994-03-05 Patch fixes for DESQview 2.61.
2TO261.ZIP 128.8 KB 1994-02-16 This is a patch for DesqView. Upgraded DV 2.60 to 2.61.
4D50C.ZIP 58.1 KB 1994-03-25 Patch upgrades 4DOS 5.0b to 5.0c. Req: 4DPATCH.ZIP.
4D50D.ZIP 31.4 KB 1994-02-08 4DOS 5.0 Patch file, updates 4DOS 5.0rC-rD. Req: 4DPATCH.
4DEMS.ZIP 37.0 KB 1994-02-17 EMS Functions & Utilities. Collection of EMS functions.
4DOS50BU.ZIP 237.7 KB 1994-02-01 4DOS 5.00: COMMAND.COM Replacement for DOS.
4DOS5A.ZIP 244.2 KB 1994-02-10 4DOS 5.0: (1 of 2)
4DOS5B.ZIP 237.6 KB 1994-02-22 4DOS 5.0: (2 of 2)
4DOS5INF.ZIP 9.1 KB 1994-02-12 A short description of the features of 4DOS 5.0.
4DOS_5.ZIP 7.0 KB 1994-02-03 4DOS 5 announced.
4FILE312.ZIP 95.6 KB 1994-02-07 4FILES 3.12: Multi-purpose File Manager for 4DOS/NDOS.
4OS216A.ZIP 79.8 KB 1994-03-01 4OS2 2.0: Enhanced command processor for OS/2.
4TSRS.ZIP 30.2 KB 1994-03-13 4 TSRs: 3 for fun, and 1 is a keyboard lockout utility.
4UTILS80.ZIP 123.6 KB 1994-03-01 4DOS/NDOS utilities with 4DESC 1.70, a full-screen editor.
4XBTM40.ZIP 148.1 KB 1994-11-11 4XBTM Version 4.0 Huge collection of 53
62STAC.ZIP 4.6 KB 1994-02-26 Patch to upgrade Stacker 3.1 for use with DOS 6.2.
ACTIVITY.ZIP 29.7 KB 1994-02-16 Logs PC activity.
ADWARE.ZIP 207.5 KB 1994-02-03 AD-WARE!: Take a look at the NEW Launch Pad 4.0.
ALS_DOS.ZIP 6.6 KB 1994-03-26 Clean up your DOS 6 directory and free hard drive space.
AMISE251.ZIP 259.6 KB 1994-02-09 External Setup for 386/486s with "modern" AMI Hi-Flex.
AMI_HELP.ZIP 25.1 KB 1994-05-24 Text file with info for AMI-BIOS settings.
AMM30.ZIP 39.5 KB 1994-09-29 ANSI Macro Maker 3.0 FREEWARE Make Hot-Keys
APPMAP.ZIP 22.2 KB 1994-08-24 appmap allows keyboard remapping
ASH005A.ZIP 334.3 KB 1994-02-06 The Accutek Shell 0.05\xe0: File Manager/Archive Front End.
ASKIT100.ZIP 24.0 KB 1994-03-01 Utility returns a unique errorlevel from user's selection.
ASK_17.ZIP 56.9 KB 1994-02-14 Lets you decide if you want to run a program at re-boot.
ATTR100.ZIP 16.8 KB 1994-02-17 ATTR: Utility designed to replace the DOS ATTRIB command.
AUTOCMOS.ZIP 3.8 KB 1994-11-24 Read, write, and compare CMOS memory found in
AUTORND3.ZIP 28.6 KB 1994-02-01 AUTORND 3.00 PRO: Randomly runs one of a million BAT files.
BADFV10.ZIP 28.4 KB 1994-02-03 BADFILES Processor 1.0: Replace file .ext with " ".
BATCHLOG.ZIP 21.3 KB 1994-02-17 BATCHLOG is a simple, non-TSR program to log BAT files.
BATKIT55.ZIP 78.7 KB 1994-08-14 BATKIT v5.5 - Batch file utilities. GETKEY
BATMNU23.ZIP 42.4 KB 1994-02-11 BATMNU 2.3: BAT file menu system.
BATMNU24.ZIP 49.5 KB 1994-10-12 BATMNU v2.4: BAT file menu system provides
BCHMEN3A.ZIP 60.7 KB 1995-01-08 BatchMen is a Menu for Batch Programs.
BCMD20.ZIP 106.5 KB 1994-11-05 Better Commands 2.0 for MS-DOS and DR DOS.
BENNY.ZIP 21.3 KB 1994-02-26 A batch file enhancement utility that adds color.
BOOT202.ZIP 207.9 KB 1994-02-05 BOOT.SYS 2.02 <ASP> Heavy-duty configuration manager.
BOOTR111.ZIP 221.6 KB 1994-02-05 BOOT'R 1.11. DOS multiple configuration manager.
BT108.ZIP 5.7 KB 1994-02-01 Boot "through" the floppy disk: Modifies boot sector.
C.ZIP 34.5 KB 1994-03-01 C (Change Directory) Routine. Rapidly change directories.
CARDG150.ZIP 73.5 KB 1994-12-30 CARD GUIDE Shareware Version 1.50 An
CCMDR11A.ZIP 46.0 KB 1994-11-28 Color Commander V1.1A VGA palette Utility.
CDX10.ZIP 6.2 KB 1994-08-21 Change Directory eXtended (CDX) v1.00
CF536N.ZIP 168.3 KB 1994-02-20 CMFiler 5.36n: Highly acclaimed file manager.
CFGCRX10.ZIP 5.4 KB 1994-01-07 Device driver. Upgrade 386DX to Cyrix Cx486DLC.
CFGMGR30.ZIP 81.6 KB 1994-10-24 Configuration Manager v3.0. Autoexec.Bat and
CHANG401.ZIP 120.8 KB 1994-02-21 CHANGE.EXE: Processes change commands in files.
CLEAV157.ZIP 40.0 KB 1994-03-01 Unique replacement for CLS for batch files and command line.
CLMNTN10.ZIP 29.5 KB 1994-03-01 Simple Personal Privacy Encryption Program.
CLRV300.ZIP 71.7 KB 1994-12-30 Color View - Color Directory Viewer A great
CMDLINE3.ZIP 6.0 KB 1994-02-26 Two helper macros to facilitate user command line options.
CMPSEC12.ZIP 21.6 KB 1994-02-11 COMPSEC 1.2: Password protection logs date/time of access.
CNFG513.ZIP 76.3 KB 1994-02-13 CONFIG 5.13: File manager for multiple configurations.
CONF705E.ZIP 94.9 KB 1994-02-01 PC-CONFIG 7.05e: System information system.
CONF727.ZIP 107.2 KB 1994-11-15 PC-CONFIG V7.27 - Detects all the hardware in
CPD15.ZIP 47.3 KB 1994-12-17 Complete Program Deleter 1.5 totally
CSM14.ZIP 436.0 KB 1994-03-14 COMPUTER SYSTEM MANAGER 1.4: Computer info tracking system.
CSM141.ZIP 423.8 KB 1994-02-19 COMPUTER SYSTEM MANAGER 1.41: Computer System, Information.
DAC231.ZIP 64.2 KB 1994-02-01 Configurable DOS-prompt Clock/Alarm utility.
DATEMIND.ZIP 10.5 KB 1994-02-04 DateMinder: Reminder program.
DAYQUOTE.ZIP 88.5 KB 1994-12-06 Quote of the day generator for when you boot
DBP027.ZIP 72.4 KB 1994-12-16 DocsBoot+ v0.27 - a BootManager replacement
DDEL200.ZIP 9.0 KB 1999-04-05 Directory Delete Vers 2.00 - New update to
DDIR100.ZIP 56.3 KB 1994-11-12 DDIR 10.0 Directory lister, flags system,
DELDIR27.ZIP 24.3 KB 1994-03-13 Removes non-empty directories (and their subdirectories).
DELEX129.ZIP 50.6 KB 1994-03-17 Allows deleting all files except those specified.
DELEXT22.ZIP 12.3 KB 1994-12-04 DELEXT V.2.2 - Deletes every extension that
DELSUB.ZIP 11.5 KB 1994-03-08 Deletes files in the current DIR and in all SubDIRectories.
DFAT26.ZIP 18.3 KB 1994-02-14 DFAT 2.6: Shows file clusters in directory groups.
DFINFO12.ZIP 31.4 KB 1994-02-01 Disk and File Info Control.
DFL340.ZIP 210.1 KB 1994-03-09 Duplicate File Locator 3.40 Locate, view, and compare files
DGLOSZ.ZIP 23.8 KB 1994-08-13 D.EXE The superfast, colorized, sorted,
DIR11.DIR 17.1 KB 1995-01-20
DISKSAV3.ZIP 23.2 KB 1994-11-09 FAT and BOOTSAVE V2.3 Maint Rel FAT and
DIVEFIX2.ZIP 9.3 KB 1994-03-26 Overcome DOS divide overflow errors.
DJSLOG2.ZIP 38.2 KB 1994-02-15 DJS Log 2.0. Creates log to track time & date of re-boots.
DL30.ZIP 189.3 KB 1994-03-01 DISKLIST 3.0. Produces diskette lists & labels.
DLOG322.ZIP 66.4 KB 1994-03-26 DISKALOG lets you add notes to a dir listing.
DMAN130.ZIP 80.7 KB 1994-10-31 Driv Man v1.30: single screen disk drive
DOSBAR12.ZIP 13.4 KB 1994-03-03 DosBar adds a toolbar to any DOS window.
DOSFDATE.ZIP 10.5 KB 1994-03-06 Changes the date/time of a file from the DOS command line.
DOSMN41B.ZIP 106.2 KB 1994-02-11 DOSmenu 4.1B: Powerful menu system for DOS.
DOSUNDOC.ZIP 6.3 KB 1994-03-19 Undocumented command switches for DOS.
DOSVAR20.ZIP 95.0 KB 1995-01-01 DosVar 2.00: String-handling for batch files.
DPDOSV32.ZIP 176.3 KB 1994-03-01 The Dprotecter 3.2 for DOS: Update.
DPTHTS2.ZIP 28.9 KB 1994-12-17 DEEP THOUGHTS by Jack Handey every time you
DSPACE63.ZIP 56.9 KB 1994-02-08 Graphical gas gauge display of free and used disk space.
DSX22B.ZIP 248.4 KB 1994-03-03 UNIX-style toolkit for MSDOS Enhanced version of DOSNIX.
DTA22.ZIP 14.0 KB 1994-10-20 DTA (Directory-Tree-Attributes) v2.2: super
ECHOBLK.ZIP 7.3 KB 1994-02-01 EchoBlok. Enhances DOS 6's CONFIG.SYS menu system.
ECHOTHIS.ZIP 7.1 KB 1994-02-01 EchoThis v1.10: Echo any string easily.
EDCON220.ZIP 24.9 KB 1994-02-11 Edcon 2.20: Reads CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.
EDITBA.ZIP 4.7 KB 1994-02-20 Edit Batch. Editor for creating & editing batch files.
EDIT_10.ZIP 81.9 KB 1994-02-01 EdIt! 1.0: A fast, window/mouse replacement for DOS EDIT.
EDIT_11.ZIP 91.2 KB 1994-01-29 EdIt 1.1: A fast replacement for DOS' EDIT command.
EMOTIC11.ZIP 15.3 KB 1994-03-01 Emoticon 1.1: TSR utility to keep track of icons.
ENVFORM.ZIP 51.4 KB 1994-10-17 ENVFORM is a parameter driven program which
ERRLVL12.ZIP 20.5 KB 1995-01-03 TifaWARE ERRLVL v1.2d - display return code
EXEC33B.ZIP 94.0 KB 1994-02-03 EXEC 3.3: Spawn function with swap to EMS.
FACMAC4.ZIP 100.2 KB 1994-02-01 Ken Facklers Extensive Macro Package 4.0.
FANDIR15.ZIP 9.8 KB 1994-10-04 Fancy Directory 1.5 replaces the DOS
FCC110.ZIP 40.1 KB 1994-02-10 A DLL that provides file caching and disk compression.
FE20.ZIP 10.6 KB 1995-01-05 ############# Fast Encrypt 2.0 ##############
FE302.ZIP 20.0 KB 1994-02-21 FastErase 3.02: Flexible erasing utility.
FECHA.ZIP 29.1 KB 1994-02-07 Program to temporarily change the date of your computer.
FFF45.ZIP 183.5 KB 1994-02-02 FileFinder ver 4.5. Finds Files/Dir's on Networked Drives.
FFGINFO.ZIP 11.3 KB 1994-03-08 FILE FINDER/GROUPER is the best file finder!
FILEPRO.ZIP 127.7 KB 1994-03-16 FILEPRO 1.0: Tag, Move, Copy, Delete.
FINDLINE.ZIP 9.9 KB 1994-03-01 Scans text file for string and sets ERRORLEVEL if found.
FIPS12.ZIP 103.8 KB 1994-11-10 FIPS is a program to spilt nodestructively a
FIXFILE9.ZIP 14.8 KB 1994-09-19 Update to.DIR file updating program (much
FLAWTEST.ZIP 19.6 KB 1994-12-03 Flawtest Flawtest will test your computer for
FLEXX10.ZIP 106.1 KB 1994-02-06 FLEXX 1.0: Data File Compare Utility.
FNDEX19.ZIP 26.1 KB 1994-03-17 Index CD-ROM disk in a central file for quick file location.
FPUFIX10.ZIP 47.6 KB 1994-12-08 FPUFIX v1.0 12/7/94 Avoid Pentium FDIV errors
FPZAP.ZIP 23.6 KB 1994-12-24 P-ZAP/P-STAT - Two freeware programs to help
FREAK125.ZIP 26.9 KB 1994-03-01 Unique replacement for CLS for batch files and command line.
FREBEE14.ZIP 7.5 KB 1994-02-08 Free Disk Space Checker for floppy, network, and hard drives
GET26UPD.ZIP 29.5 KB 1994-03-01 DOS BATch file enhancer for Environment/ErrorLevel services.
GETCLR10.ZIP 4.0 KB 1994-02-01 Utility saves user's screen colors and reset them after BAT.
GETKEY11.ZIP 11.4 KB 1994-03-17 GETKEY 1.1: Batch File Utility.
GO_DIR.ZIP 31.9 KB 1994-02-17 MS-DOS CD command substitute helps with typographical errors
GR20.ZIP 134.1 KB 1994-10-18 GR.EXE Version 2.0! The ultimate BATCH file
HIDIR128.ZIP 43.9 KB 1994-03-01 HiDir 1.28 makes directories invisible.
HOLDN212.ZIP 42.5 KB 1994-02-18 HOLDON 2.12. A variable delay program for batch files.
HONTO099.ZIP 25.9 KB 1994-02-01 HONTO 0.99\xe1: The BEST directory lister available.
HORST_1.ZIP 11.4 KB 1994-10-23 Horst Schaeffer's free batch/DOS utilities
HPFSR16E.ZIP 20.1 KB 1994-02-07 Tool that reads HPFS-partitions under plain DOS.
IMPL155.ZIP 27.8 KB 1994-03-20 Unique replacement for CLS for batch files and command line.
INFO301A.ZIP 11.1 KB 1994-12-29 INFO 3.01a - 4DOS REQUIRED - Tells
INPUT313.ZIP 35.9 KB 1994-02-08 ASK.COM replacement: Ask questions and receive input in BATs
INPUT32.ZIP 37.9 KB 1994-02-08 INPUT 3.2: Combines video/audio prompts for BAT files.
INTER39A.ZIP 338.9 KB 1994-02-06 MSDOS Interrupt List 39. Over 6100 entries. (1 of 2)
INTER39B.ZIP 349.1 KB 1994-02-06 MSDOS Interrupt List 39: Over 6100 entries. (2 of 2)
INTER39C.ZIP 152.0 KB 1994-02-06 DOS Interrupt List 39: Comprehensive list of INT calls.
INTER40B.ZIP 350.6 KB 1994-04-03 MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 40. A Comprehensive listing.
INTER40C.ZIP 167.7 KB 1994-04-03 MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 40. A Comprehensive listing.
INTER40D.ZIP 223.5 KB 1994-04-13 MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 40. A Comprehensive listing.
INTER44A.ZIP 353.6 KB 1995-01-15 MSDOS Interrupt List 44 A
INTER44B.ZIP 353.5 KB 1995-01-15 MSDOS Interrupt List 44 B
INTER44C.ZIP 336.9 KB 1995-01-15 MSDOS Interrupt List 44 C
INTER44D.ZIP 345.5 KB 1995-01-15 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 44
INTVL185.ZIP 55.2 KB 1994-03-15 Runs DOS command or program at a specified interval of time.
ITB14.ZIP 22.5 KB 1994-02-11 ITB 1.4: Key record and playback utility.
JPL9401.ZIP 162.6 KB 1994-02-05 JPLCLOCK 9401. From the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
JPRDY102.ZIP 81.3 KB 1994-02-03 Jeopardy Detector 1.02 and BenchPCK 1.50.
JUMP20.ZIP 7.7 KB 1994-10-18 JUMP.EXE v2.0 batch file enhancer to save the
KEYTAP10.ZIP 8.0 KB 1994-10-27 KeyTap v1.00 - Non-TSR keystroke simulator.
KLS30.ZIP 19.0 KB 1994-02-04 KLS 3.0: Simple replacement for the DOS CLS function.
KSET15.ZIP 12.6 KB 1994-02-04 Utility allows users to set Function keys.
LCD_20.ZIP 23.7 KB 1994-02-01 Ledbetter's Change Directory 20.
LESS232.ZIP 234.9 KB 1994-09-25 This is the distribution of "less", a
LILDIR1.ZIP 14.8 KB 1994-12-27 Little Directory v.1. ala DOS's DIR. This
LINKLN10.ZIP 23.3 KB 1994-11-20 Links/LN enables you to create "links" to
LOAD222.ZIP 37.7 KB 1994-06-01 Load v2.22: DOS command-line driver loader/
LOCKIT20.ZIP 130.6 KB 1994-02-04 LOCKit security system for DOS, requires VGA card & DOS 5.0.
LOCKOUT.ZIP 7.4 KB 1995-01-02 Quick and easy computer locking utility.
LOGDSWIN.ZIP 11.6 KB 1994-02-19 System Log: Will log all file access. 3k TSR.
MAKENAME.ZIP 27.9 KB 1994-01-01 Make unique filenames for your batch programs
MAXUPPER.ZIP 5.4 KB 1994-02-01 Tips on maximizing upper/extended/expanded memory.
MCARET10.ZIP 24.9 KB 1994-12-05 Mr. Caret v1.0 - This program can set the
MCA_1193.ZIP 23.1 KB 1994-02-21 Updated QEMM MCA.ADL file: 11/24/93.
MDIR11.ZIP 70.0 KB 1994-11-05 MegaDir v1.1: great little directory listing
MDISK.ZIP 24.5 KB 1994-03-03 Measure The Amount of CPU Time Consumed by Disk I/O.
MEG31.ZIP 71.9 KB 1994-02-03 Color Graphs any drive System Information. Req: VGA.
MEGJR14.ZIP 36.9 KB 1994-01-17 MegJr 1.4: Colorful utility program to display system info.
MEMHELP.ZIP 2.6 KB 1994-11-26 Memory tips to free up conventional and upper
MENUBOOT.ZIP 17.0 KB 1994-03-01 Allow choices of autoexec and configuration parameters.
MERGE212.ZIP 26.7 KB 1994-02-15 MergeFile 2.12: Merges two sorted files.
MFB11.ZIP 13.4 KB 1994-02-01 Creates bat/cmd file to run FB.EXE on received TICs.
MSCOPE2A.ZIP 1.2 MB 1994-11-20 MICROSCOPE FOR THE PC v2.0, 1/2
MSCOPE2B.ZIP 1.2 MB 1994-10-18 MICROSCOPE FOR THE PC v2.0, 2/2
MTBOOT.ZIP 25.5 KB 1994-11-22 Multi Boot 1.0 Multi-Boot Configuration
MTWIN101.ZIP 71.6 KB 1994-11-22 Maintini v1.27: small DOS-based pgm which
MUD29A.ZIP 30.9 KB 1994-03-20 Mud 2.9A: Mac/Unix DOS translator/reformatter.
MYBATS.ZIP 4.9 KB 1994-10-11 These are just some useful batch files
NETCD.ZIP 259.7 KB 1994-03-01 CacheAll(TM) 1.2 Vendor Direct Evaluation Technology.
NWLOCK.ZIP 187.7 KB 1994-03-10 File encryption and security program.
ONCEADAY.ZIP 25.5 KB 1994-11-20 Batch File Utility; Returns a different DOS
OPSYS1.ZIP 11.5 KB 1994-02-01 OPSYS 1.1 Identifies the running Operations System.
OVERDRV.ZIP 501.3 KB 1994-03-12 Diagnostics program for Intel OverDrive processors.
PATHWIZ.ZIP 23.2 KB 1994-10-26 PATHWIZ By Intergrated Data Systems Use
PBUGTEST.ZIP 20.4 KB 1994-12-25 An informative Pentium FDIV bug test!
PCDOSCID.ZIP 83.8 KB 1994-03-13 PC DOS 6.1: UpGrade and Utilities.
PCLOCKV2.ZIP 11.9 KB 1994-03-20 This utility prevents any possible problems from your kids.
PCMVOL1.ZIP 176.2 KB 1994-02-10 PC Mag's DOS utility programs Vol 1.
PENTABUG.ZIP 15.9 KB 1994-12-11 Check your Pentium for division bug. Includes
PIGAS200.ZIP 216.9 KB 1994-11-01 Data Protector v2.00: allows you to protect
PM_10_94.ZIP 51.7 KB 1994-10-12 PMODE v3.04 protected mode DOS extender by
POPK141A.ZIP 60.1 KB 1994-11-30 Creates a custom pop-up menu (user command)
PORTDRV.ZIP 9.7 KB 1994-03-24 Drivers for Porter Equipement systems.
PRESZ104.ZIP 55.9 KB 1994-10-22 Partition Resizer v. 1.0.4 This is the first
PTM229I.ZIP 222.2 KB 1994-02-09 DOS PHANTOM 2.9h: Task Automator. Script-record and task.
Q87_37.ZIP 111.7 KB 1994-11-16 (Q87 V3.7 Math Accelerator and Emulator
QC11.ZIP 7.9 KB 1994-05-22 Quick Change (QC) v1.1: pgm that enables you
QDEL033.ZIP 13.6 KB 1994-02-19 Kill a directory tree fast.
QM107E.ZIP 311.6 KB 1994-03-02 QuikMenu: Graphical desktop and menu system. Req: HD/512k.
QTEC703.ZIP 91.1 KB 1994-02-08 The technical files to QEMM 7.03.
QUTILS32.ZIP 78.5 KB 1994-11-20 Quick Utils 3.2 (c) Copyright 1994
RCD21.ZIP 26.9 KB 1994-02-01 Finds DIR on any drive by part of it's name!
RCDIR101.ZIP 73.6 KB 1994-11-20 Deluxe DIR V10.1 - Replaces command.com "DIR"
RDIR100.ZIP 20.1 KB 1994-02-22 RDIR 1.0: Small utility to remove directories.
RND11.ZIP 4.0 KB 1994-02-06 RND 1.1: Rename or move directories with a single command.
RUNCOUNT.ZIP 12.9 KB 1994-02-14 Count and exit with errorlevel BAT utility.
RUNON13.ZIP 26.9 KB 1994-02-03 Lets you run an event only on a certain day or RANGE of days
SATURN34.ZIP 301.7 KB 1994-01-14 Saturn 3.4. Artificial Intelligence data storage/retrieval.
SD201.ZIP 4.8 KB 1994-02-24 Speed Directory. Change directories faster than DOS's CD.
SECDRV13.ZIP 83.3 KB 1994-02-02 Secure drive version 1.3. Allows sector level encryption.
SEEJUNK.ZIP 8.8 KB 1994-02-22 Display the bytes after EOF marker in file.
SETER148.ZIP 41.8 KB 1994-03-02 SetEr 1.48: Allows the user to set an errorlevel from batch.
SFCOOF10.ZIP 11.7 KB 1994-02-10 Clean out your old files by date.
SHROM24B.ZIP 17.4 KB 1994-03-01 Super DOS application shell gives more memory.
SLEEP_43.ZIP 30.5 KB 1994-02-01 SLEEP 4.3 - TSR event scheduler.
SLOOWDWN.ZIP 8.4 KB 1994-02-01 Utility to slow down the newer machines to play games.
SM20A.ZIP 121.8 KB 1994-02-26 Smart Menu 2.0a: Small, Easy to use menu program.
SOSEVD.ZIP 15.8 KB 1994-02-01 Automates tasks at boot time on daily, weekly, monthly basis
SP1007.ZIP 965.4 KB 1994-11-10 SP1007.ZIP (Compaq)
SP1008.ZIP 1.3 MB 1994-11-11 SP1008.ZIP (Compaq)
SP1009.ZIP 769.2 KB 1994-11-11 SP1009.ZIP (Compaq)
SP1016.ZIP 1.6 MB 1994-11-11 SP1016.ZIP (Compaq)
SP1034.ZIP 214.9 KB 1994-11-28 SP1034.ZIP (Compaq)
SP1045.ZIP 493.3 KB 1994-11-17 SP1045.ZIP (Compaq)
SPLIT3.ZIP 49.7 KB 1994-01-28 Split large files into smaller ones.
SRDSK205.ZIP 70.6 KB 1994-02-02 ReSizeable RAMDisk 2.05: Virtual disk device driver.
SSD27.ZIP 140.3 KB 1994-11-23 SSD is a code analyser for investigating
SSR100.ZIP 16.1 KB 1994-02-01 SSR 1.00: Simple System Report. System information.
STARMU40.ZIP 270.4 KB 1994-03-08 Star Menu 4.0 Pro: HD Menu like Direct Access.
STARMU41.ZIP 278.5 KB 1994-01-12 Star Menu 4.1: A DOS based Menu System.
STEPV101.ZIP 3.2 KB 1994-03-23 Step through batch files one line at a time.
SYSCF420.ZIP 134.8 KB 1994-02-13 SYSCFG 4.20. AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS database program.
SYSCHK39.ZIP 84.8 KB 1994-02-18 SYSCHK v2.39: System Information Checker.
TAD128.ZIP 49.0 KB 1994-02-09 Time And Date (TAD) 1.28: Allows changing Time/Date on files
TAD130.ZIP 49.1 KB 1994-02-08 Time And Date (TAD) 1.30: Change Time/Date on files.
TAME320.ZIP 103.8 KB 1994-02-02 Speeds multitasking of DOS apps in Windows, OS/2, etc.
TAPELIB2.ZIP 187.5 KB 1994-03-11 Tape Librarian 2.0. Newest version with mouse support.
TASKR195.ZIP 35.2 KB 1994-02-09 Execute any program and parameters at a pre-scheduled time.
TASK_101.ZIP 959.6 KB 1994-03-13 TASKMASTER the task control system. Track your to-do list!
TBT321.ZIP 49.2 KB 1994-02-04 TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.21 creates a .COM program.
TBT324.ZIP 50.4 KB 1994-10-31 TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.24 08/17/94
TLADF10.ZIP 7.5 KB 1994-02-17 DF 1.0: Utility that will display the drive information.
TLB_A231.ZIP 166.6 KB 1994-02-26 Advanced Utilities for The Last Byte Memory Manager.
TLB_A252.ZIP 204.8 KB 1994-10-24 Set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with THE LAST
TLB_T252.ZIP 38.2 KB 1994-10-24 Small program to test compatibility with THE
TLB_V231.ZIP 218.7 KB 1994-02-01 The Last Byte Memory Manager 2.31.
TLB_V252.ZIP 262.3 KB 1994-10-24 THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.52)
TLB_W252.ZIP 4.5 KB 1994-10-09 What's new in version 2.52 of THE LAST BYTE
TODDY600.ZIP 35.0 KB 1994-02-23 Toddy 6.00: TSR utility saves commands for later retrieval.
TPSHW.ZIP 38.9 KB 1994-02-01 Time-Pro. Allows unattended operation of DOS programs.
TSKR195A.ZIP 35.1 KB 1994-02-01 1.95a (fixes) Unattended program dispatcher.
ULTMU37A.ZIP 88.1 KB 1994-03-17 Extensive Task Manager capable of unlimited control of tasks
ULTRA62.ZIP 145.8 KB 1994-03-02 The Ultimate Batch utility 6.2: Over 250 functions.
USE_UMBS.ZIP 19.9 KB 1994-11-02 USE!UMBS.SYS v2.0: Upper Memory Block Manager
UUD20.ZIP 64.5 KB 1994-11-02 bAtCh uuDECODER Ver. 2.00 For DOS Now Decode
VIDFX20.ZIP 78.3 KB 1994-02-22 Video Effects 2.0: EGA/VGA graphic program for BAT files.
VID_FX2.ZIP 80.7 KB 1994-09-16 VGA/EGA graphic program for batch files!
VOL13N02.ZIP 55.4 KB 1994-03-02 PC Magazine Utilities Volume 13, No. 2.
VR_DOS12.ZIP 64.7 KB 1994-08-04 Virtual Reality DOS Directory Utility. Move
WAITFR11.ZIP 9.7 KB 1994-03-07 WaitFor 1.1: Add delays to batch files.
WAITTL11.ZIP 30.1 KB 1994-03-07 WAITTIL 1.1: A batch file utility for pause/errorlevel.
WHTAPE21.ZIP 47.5 KB 1994-03-01 A prompting front end for your tape backup software.
XDOS0794.ZIP 992.7 KB 1994-07-28 ExtraDOS Toolbox 09/93 Release
XEDDOS.ZIP 14.2 KB 1994-02-01 Handy little binary file editor for DOS.
XTRACASH.ZIP 2.3 KB 1994-02-02 How to earn big money in your spare time!
YODMS.ZIP 131.4 KB 1994-03-01 Ye Olde Disk Menu System is a DOS-based utility.
ZCPY16.ZIP 30.2 KB 1994-02-01 Small, fast replacement for XCOPY.
ZDEL_MP.ZIP 8.6 KB 1994-02-06 File delete utility that can do queried and piped deletes.
ZDIFF14.ZIP 69.3 KB 1994-03-20 ZDIFF 1.4. Comparison utility for archives or directories.
ZDIR21.ZIP 52.1 KB 1994-11-07 ZanySoft Dir (ZDir) is an easy to use and
ZERO_430.ZIP 13.5 KB 1994-02-06 Make one or more zero length files.
ZIP171.ZIP 33.6 KB 1994-03-21 ZIP 1.71: Fast serial file transfer utility.
ZMOV16.ZIP 31.7 KB 1994-02-01 ZMove: Small, fast XCOPY replacement.