| File Listing |
4LANG3.ZIP 83.3 KB 1994-11-29 Ultimate Language Tutor v3.0 for Windows
4LANGS.ZIP 79.7 KB 1994-03-29 Ultimate Language Tutor for Windows. Learn four languages!
9LIVE121.ZIP 70.2 KB 1994-02-24 9 Lives 1.21 for Windows: A desktop expander.
ABV30.ZIP 239.1 KB 1994-02-06 Above & Beyond: Personal Information and Time.
ABVBND.ZIP 243.0 KB 1994-02-13 Above & Beyond 3.0. Great Windows PIM. Dynamic Scheduling.
ACCEL10B.ZIP 40.0 KB 1994-02-26 Investigating of acceleration. Req: VBRUN200.DLL/Windows.
ACCENT22.ZIP 73.3 KB 1994-02-06 Accent 2.2: Win Program for inputting special characters.
ACDSEE11.ZIP 159.3 KB 1994-12-14 ACDSee v1.1 - - A small, quick Windows image
ACUBO12.ZIP 5.5 KB 1994-02-03 AccuBoard 1.2: Cumulative clipboard for Windows.
ACUST3A.ZIP 191.3 KB 1994-10-30 ACCUSET v3.0a - System Clock Enhancement
ADDEASE1.ZIP 166.5 KB 1994-12-18 AddEASE v1.0 - Calculator for Windows. If you
ADDER30.ZIP 70.0 KB 1994-02-08 Windows calculator continuously displays accumulated SUM.
ADDINS10.ZIP 129.6 KB 1994-12-23 Add-Ins Windows Menu Enhancer v1.0 - Add-Ins
AF2MAC.ZIP 9.3 KB 1994-02-04 WinWord 6.0 template allows you some extra functions.
AFCOLICO.ZIP 5.0 KB 1994-01-29 Colored toolbar library for WinWord 6.0: All-color toolbars.
ALAB11D.ZIP 181.5 KB 1994-02-24 Audio Lab 1.1D. Windows WAV/VOC/RAW Editor.
ALBT095B.ZIP 462.6 KB 1994-02-02 ALBATROS: a CD player for PM.
ALM35A.ZIP 379.3 KB 1994-09-21 ALMANAC v3.5 A powerful calendar application
ALW114.ZIP 605.7 KB 1994-02-10 Astronomy Lab 1.14 For Windows 3.x.
AMIFND15.ZIP 106.6 KB 1994-09-11 Lotus ami pro file finder. Need Windows and
AML34.ZIP 975.5 KB 1994-12-22 The ALL MEDIA LIBRARY v3.4 for Windows! AML
AMO292.ZIP 174.5 KB 1994-02-20 Master Amortizer Calculate payments, create tables, etc.
AMPRTSCN.ZIP 136.6 KB 1994-02-24 PRINT SCREEN 1.0 for Windows. Print your Windows screen!
AMPS16.ZIP 175.1 KB 1994-12-22 PRINT SCREEN FOR WINDOWS 1.6 Press the
AM_BB11.ZIP 148.4 KB 1994-11-30 BANK BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS
AM_CC11.ZIP 181.6 KB 1994-11-18 COIN CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC
AM_PB23.ZIP 158.4 KB 1994-11-01 PHONE BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
ANIMOUS4.ZIP 54.7 KB 1994-07-05 ANIMOUSE 4.0 animates Windows mouse cursors
ANIMOUSE.ZIP 21.1 KB 1994-03-01 Animated & non-animated Windows mouse cursor replacements.
APIM3.ZIP 327.3 KB 1994-02-22 Achievement Planner for Windows.
APLANR.ZIP 139.4 KB 1994-02-01 A PROJECT/EVENT PLANNER 2.1 for Windows 3.1.
APLANR21.ZIP 139.4 KB 1994-02-23 A PROJECT/EVENT PLANNER 2.1. Req: Windows.
APPRUN.ZIP 29.5 KB 1994-02-01 Launch applications from WinWord with this macro.
ASTRO20A.ZIP 532.7 KB 1994-02-06 Astrological program for Windows 3.1 (1 of 2)
ASTRO20B.ZIP 1.1 MB 1994-02-02 Astrological program for Windows 3.1 (2 of 2)
ASW108_1.ZIP 358.3 KB 1994-10-07 ASTRO For Windows-v1.08 Powerful Astrological
ASW108_2.ZIP 217.5 KB 1994-10-07 ASTRO For Windows-v1.08 Powerful Astrological
ASW108_3.ZIP 103.0 KB 1994-10-07 ASTRO For Windows-v1.08 Powerful Astrological
ASW108_4.ZIP 187.9 KB 1994-10-17 ASTRO For Windows-v1.08 Powerful Astrological
AT201.ZIP 36.5 KB 1994-03-01 Application Timer is a Windows application launcher.
AT202.ZIP 53.1 KB 1994-02-07 Application Timer: Run program in Windows at specified time.
ATT302AL.ZIP 245.1 KB 1994-02-24 Interesting clock for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
AUTOWAV.ZIP 7.9 KB 1994-02-01 Play WAV easily. Req: Win/sound card/mouse/HD/VBRUN200.DLL.
AWMODEM.ZIP 9.0 KB 1994-02-13 Latest modem file for PCAnywhere for Windows.
AXSHL1.ZIP 467.2 KB 1994-08-08 AX-SHELL for Windows - is an enhanced
BAILOUT.ZIP 13.5 KB 1994-03-11 BAILOUT 1.0 <ASP> Single-click Windows exit utility.
BASCDE12.ZIP 103.1 KB 1994-02-21 BasCode For Windows - Code Librarian to store
BCPORT.ZIP 32.8 KB 1994-02-10 Porting Tool - Ports to WIN32 -from- Win 3.1.
BIMPZIP2.ZIP 6.7 KB 1994-03-02 Window bitmap wallpaper manager. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
BJ600.ZIP 406.6 KB 1994-02-01 Windows 3.1 updated driver for the Canon BJ-600 printer.
BKDROP14.ZIP 18.0 KB 1995-01-05 Backdrop 1.4 Windows wallpaper,screensave
BLDHND20.ZIP 45.8 KB 1994-02-07 BloodHound 2.0 for Windows: Locate DOS files.
BMPZW200.ZIP 684.5 KB 1994-03-07 BITMAPS 2.00 For Windows: Bit Map Slide Show.
BMPZW210.ZIP 689.6 KB 1994-10-01 BitMapZ for Windows 2.10 <ASP> Bit map slide
BMVIEW10.ZIP 7.0 KB 1994-11-01 BitMap ViewJ-Squared Software BitMap View is
BOING1.ZIP 55.5 KB 1994-02-01 A Windows 3.1 program for playing WAV sound files.
BPRINT13.ZIP 22.8 KB 1994-11-05 Drag and Drop facility to print Binary files
BTBWIZ20.ZIP 110.3 KB 1994-05-05 BackToBasix (BtB) Wizard v2.0: MS-Windows app
BTIN163C.ZIP 109.3 KB 1994-08-14 BT Install v1.63C: install YOUR Windows app;
BTNBAR11.ZIP 14.4 KB 1994-12-03 Small free-floating button bar (Windows)
BUDGET04.ZIP 106.7 KB 1994-07-13 Budget program for windows.
BUSICALC.ZIP 69.8 KB 1994-12-01 BUSICALC FOR WINDOWS v1.0 Busicalc lets you
CAPCLK25.ZIP 10.4 KB 1994-02-04 Win utility shows time/date on left side. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
CAPT31.ZIP 47.0 KB 1994-01-25 Capture 3.1: Windows screen capture utility.
CARDBO.ZIP 34.0 KB 1994-12-12 CardBook 1.0 for Windows - prints your
CASH20.ZIP 110.7 KB 1994-09-15 Cash v2.0: MS-Windows statistical
CBASE163.ZIP 29.2 KB 1994-02-13 Windows database for software tracking. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
CBWLT120.ZIP 863.3 KB 1994-02-01 Colorado Backup for Windows "Lite" 1.20: Tape Software.
CCCALC10.ZIP 3.9 KB 1994-02-15 How long will take to pay off debt. Req: Win/VBRUN300.DLL.
CCLNK11A.ZIP 40.3 KB 1994-10-13 CCLINK and CCLINKjr are Windows-compatible
CDDB07.ZIP 56.8 KB 1994-02-17 CD Database 0.7e: CD Player for Windows.
CDMW211A.ZIP 397.2 KB 1994-03-13 CD Master for Windows. Master your CD Library. (1 of 2).
CDMW211B.ZIP 452.3 KB 1994-03-01 CD Master for Windows. Master your CD Library. (2 of 2).
CDPLAY34.ZIP 281.1 KB 1994-03-21 CDPlayer 3.4: Windows Audio CD Player for Windows or DOS.
CDPLY232.ZIP 77.6 KB 1994-03-26 CD Player 2.32: MS-Windows compact disc player.
CDPPRO45.ZIP 249.2 KB 1994-01-02 CD-Player Pro 4.5 is a unique CD player for
CDPROW13.ZIP 165.6 KB 1994-04-01 Windows record keeping system for CDs and tapes.
CDRUNR2A.ZIP 523.8 KB 1994-12-29 CD-Runner for Windows 2.0a - New
CDW200.ZIP 104.8 KB 1994-02-01 CD Wizard: New Audio Player for Windows.
CDW305.ZIP 164.9 KB 1994-11-10 CD Wizzard CD Audio Player for Windows It has
CEDW25IE.ZIP 61.3 KB 1994-02-11 Menu-driven Win program to encrypt/decrypt files.
CEE110.ZIP 84.9 KB 1994-03-31 Cob editor extensions for foxpro editor 2.5.
CLARWIN3.ZIP 3.5 KB 1994-02-23 Clarion PIFs & icon for Windows.
CLINR40C.ZIP 61.8 KB 1994-10-30 Caselinr v4.0C: MS-Windows pgm which prints
CLIP10.ZIP 32.3 KB 1994-12-31 Windows clipboard editor utility
CLIPEX22.ZIP 43.9 KB 1994-10-27 Clipboard Extender adds functionality to the
CLIPEXT.ZIP 17.9 KB 1994-02-23 Clipext 1.0: Clipboard Extender for Win.
CLOCKZON.ZIP 21.8 KB 1994-11-21 ClockZone is more than just another
CLONER.ZIP 34.1 KB 1994-02-23 Copy components in other Basic projects to new sources.
CLPMON12.ZIP 27.9 KB 1994-03-22 Windows utility captures data to a 2nd monochrome monitor.
CLPMT306.ZIP 219.4 KB 1994-11-21 ClipMate for Windows v3.06: MS-Windows
CLRIGHT.ZIP 4.9 KB 1994-02-01 Call up Windows Program, File or Task Manager with 1 click.
CLW201.ZIP 136.5 KB 1994-02-02 CleanUp for Windows 2.00 Cleans and organizes hard drive.
CMRAT510.ZIP 187.9 KB 1994-11-22 CimRater v5.10: MS-Windows utility designed
CODEP240.ZIP 136.5 KB 1994-02-07 CodePrint 2.40: Windows program used for printing ASCII.
COMT.ZIP 110.4 KB 1994-08-09 COMT, The TELNET MODEM for Windows
CONSTIT.ZIP 34.9 KB 1994-02-01 The Constitution compiled as a Windows Help file.
CQWK130A.ZIP 661.8 KB 1994-02-01 CMPQwk Reader 1.30: Windows QWK mail reader.
CRPGN.ZIP 6.3 KB 1994-03-01 Winword template to make auto-installer DOCs for macros.
CRPGN20.ZIP 8.3 KB 1994-02-01 WinWord macro: Make auto-installer documents for macros.
CTHEMOON.ZIP 7.2 KB 1994-02-01 Moon Pattern: For Crosstitch Designer for Windows 2.01.
CTRL_L11.ZIP 169.9 KB 1994-03-02 File Control 1.11 for use with 1-2-3 for Windows AND DOS 3.
CYBERAID.ZIP 57.0 KB 1994-10-16 Cyberaid v1.0: MS-Windows PGP front end that
CYCLOP10.ZIP 12.5 KB 1994-11-27 Cyclops v1.2: MS-Windows cursor tracking icon
C_MSTR11.ZIP 840.5 KB 1994-02-01 Dimensional and conversion calculator for Windows.
DAGW101.ZIP 70.7 KB 1994-03-18 Disk-at-a-Glance 1.01 for Windows: Shows pie charts!
DASHV09.ZIP 74.0 KB 1994-02-14 WIN: Windows System Information Dashboard.
DBMONO.ZIP 9.5 KB 1994-02-01 Buffered Monochrome monitor debugger. Requires Windows 3.1.
DCLOCK11.ZIP 23.2 KB 1994-03-02 PM based digital clock.
DECK10.ZIP 680.7 KB 1994-09-27 Deck Builder v1.0: the most streamlined
DESKSHOW.ZIP 24.8 KB 1994-02-01 Desktop Slide show exchanges wallpaper randomly.
DHCIS.ZIP 65.3 KB 1994-02-13 Track files under Windows.
DICS_V45.ZIP 1.2 MB 1994-11-14 DICS v4.5 - Winsock 1.1 compliant application
DIR53.DIR 22.6 KB 1995-01-20
DIR54.DIR 13.6 KB 1995-01-20
DIR55.DIR 16.0 KB 1995-01-22
DIRMAT.ZIP 126.7 KB 1994-12-12 DirMatch 1.0 for Windows
DISKTEMP.ZIP 109.1 KB 1994-10-18 DiskTemplate 1.00 for Windows 3.1
DIZM12A.ZIP 358.7 KB 1994-11-03 DIZ Master for Windows v1.2a - is a small,
DLLCHK.ZIP 133.4 KB 1994-09-21 Freeware program that checks for duplicates
DLLMSTR2.ZIP 249.9 KB 1994-11-02 DLL Master 3.0 lists modules in MS Windows
DOCBROWS.ZIP 4.9 KB 1994-01-16 Doc Browser add-in template for WinWord 6.x.
DODOS11.ZIP 13.9 KB 1994-02-15 DoDOS 1.1: Win program to run unagreeable DOS programs.
DOSDOR11.ZIP 20.4 KB 1994-03-01 DOS Doorway 1.1 Windows utility that launches a DOS window.
DRAGVU.ZIP 527.5 KB 1994-11-29 Drag And View Gold v.1.0 - File Viewers for
DRGNDR30.ZIP 10.7 KB 1994-02-22 Windows image viewer and file launcher. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
DROPPOP.ZIP 36.0 KB 1994-02-03 Provides icons on your desktop that call up icon menus.
DSKFAC11.ZIP 111.4 KB 1994-02-02 DISK FACTORY 1.1: Windows-based Copy/Compare/Format Utility.
DSPACEE_.ZIP 249.2 KB 1994-12-15 Dspace 9 for Windows searches thru multiple
DSPOOLER.ZIP 4.7 KB 1993-10-03 Windows: PRN/PS files to Print Manager. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
DSTRB3.ZIP 281.3 KB 1994-02-01 DSTReader 1.X \xe1eta 3 Windows 3.1X QWK Packet Mail reader.
DT0121.ZIP 107.3 KB 1994-02-02 DirTree 1.21: Window program graphically displays DIR tree.
DZ50.ZIP 428.6 KB 1994-12-08 Drag And Zip v.5.0- Zip Manager for Windows
EARTHS25.ZIP 75.9 KB 1994-02-04 Earth & Sun 2.5. Windows clock icon shows earth's position.
EDESK40.ZIP 605.7 KB 1994-09-30 EXECUTIVE DESK for Windows v 4.0 will help
EDIT13.ZIP 114.8 KB 1994-02-03 EDITEUR 1.3 for Windows: User-intuitive editor.
EDITM24C.ZIP 263.0 KB 1995-01-04 Edit Master for Windows Version 2.4c
EDTKEY11.ZIP 33.6 KB 1994-10-21 EDTKEY 1.1 EDT keypad emulator for Word/Win.
ELBOW.ZIP 147.4 KB 1994-08-11 Elbow Grease for Windows - provides access to
ELEPHNT.ZIP 10.7 KB 1994-03-20 Elephant Clock. A time display that gets out of the way.
EMAIL300.ZIP 43.5 KB 1994-02-12 Email 3.00: Windows Network E-mail program. Req: VBRUN300.
EMAIL301.ZIP 43.7 KB 1994-02-07 Email 3.01: Windows network e-mail. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
EMAIL325.ZIP 50.4 KB 1994-10-25 Email v3.25: MS-Windows network e-mail pgm
ENCRY124.ZIP 146.0 KB 1994-11-26 Private Cryptographer v1.24: MS-Windows app
ENIGMA30.ZIP 438.6 KB 1994-12-01 Enigma for Windows is a powerful program for
ENVEL233.ZIP 210.5 KB 1994-02-08 PrintEnvelope 2.33 for Windows. Complete mailing system.
EPSWMF.ZIP 32.1 KB 1994-10-27 Utility to put a WMF preview on an EPS file.
EPW111AC.ZIP 1.3 MB 1994-12-09 ExportPower v1.11ac for Windows 3.1. Fills
EXITFAST.ZIP 20.6 KB 1994-02-19 Exit Windows fast.
EXW10.ZIP 69.6 KB 1994-03-10 ExitWin 1.0. Elegant and functional exit to DOS utility.
EZCOMM.ZIP 272.1 KB 1994-02-06 Ezcom: Windows file transfer utility. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
F12SHEL.ZIP 11.9 KB 1994-02-04 VB3 source code & an executable file for a program launcher.
FAXWIN34.ZIP 696.7 KB 1995-01-08 FaxMail for Windows adds full FAXing
FAX_V117.ZIP 498.4 KB 1994-02-14 Faxmail 1.17 For Win: Adds Faxing to Windows Applications.
FCLIP40.ZIP 170.1 KB 1994-02-05 FileClip 4.0, a Windows 3.1 File and Clipboard manager.
FCPRO2.ZIP 350.7 KB 1994-12-20 File compression pro v2.5 shareware. The safe
FDIAL120.ZIP 111.0 KB 1994-02-07 Dialer 1.20 for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
FDIAL200.ZIP 183.2 KB 1995-01-02 Dialer (V2.00) for Windows (FreeWare), by Pe
FEXPR1_0.ZIP 35.7 KB 1994-12-04 File Express 1.0 - Windows File Manager
FFWIN177.ZIP 282.5 KB 1994-10-31 FIREFIGHTER for windows. Fire Dept. Record
FILEGR1A.ZIP 628.2 KB 1994-11-09 FileIt-GR for Windows 1.10 (disk 1 of 2) -
FILEGR1B.ZIP 524.3 KB 1994-11-09 FileIt-GR for Windows 1.10 (disk 2 of 2).
FILEPLUS.ZIP 210.5 KB 1994-12-02 File Manager program for windows. Far Far
FILLST.ZIP 7.8 KB 1994-02-24 Listing of where MS-Word 6 for Windows is installed.
FINDIT.ZIP 88.3 KB 1994-03-08 Find-It 3.62 for Windows 3.0/3.1, NT and OS/2. File finder.
FINDR400.ZIP 26.1 KB 1994-02-10 Finder 4.00 for Windows: Swap between applications easily.
FINDT362.ZIP 88.3 KB 1994-03-01 Find-It 3.62: Windows disk file search utility.
FINST152.ZIP 664.8 KB 1994-09-01 Freeman Installer & Uninstaller v1.5 is an
FLASH_30.ZIP 139.6 KB 1994-03-20 WinFlash 3.0. Adds fonts, colors, .BMP graphics, and more.
FLOPPYD.ZIP 140.3 KB 1994-08-18 FloppyD - allows quick floppy disk directory
FMA11B.ZIP 135.8 KB 1994-03-08 FM Applic 1.1B: Windows File Manager extension.
FMAPP11C.ZIP 138.7 KB 1994-02-14 FM Applic 1.1c. Windows 3.1 File Manager extension.
FMONS342.ZIP 344.0 KB 1994-02-02 Windows TT font utility. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
FMONST34.ZIP 329.3 KB 1994-03-17 Font Monster 3.4 for Win: Excellent TT/ATM Font utility.
FMSEEK10.ZIP 54.1 KB 1994-12-17 FM Seek v1.0 - Windows utility to allow you
FMTBR214.ZIP 144.8 KB 1994-11-25 File Manager Toolbar (File Manager Add-on)
FMV3_5A.ZIP 285.5 KB 1994-03-01 File Magician for Windows - handles compressed archives.
FMV3_6.ZIP 508.7 KB 1994-12-10 File Magician V3.6! Shareware.
FMWIN10.ZIP 60.0 KB 1994-08-25 FORMENU for Windows Automatically detects
FOFF22.ZIP 84.3 KB 1994-03-01 Font Off 2.2: MS-Windows program to organize TrueType fonts
FONEW316.ZIP 98.6 KB 1994-09-29 DiaLog for Windows v3.16: phone dialer,
FP16D_S.ZIP 237.8 KB 1994-11-05 File Plus Ver 1.6D. The Ultimate Windows File
FPLACE10.ZIP 245.7 KB 1994-11-17 Favorite Places v1.0: brings power,
FPW111AB.ZIP 1.3 MB 1994-11-26 FormPower v1.11ab "EZ-Forms" for Win*3.1
FSP530.ZIP 254.5 KB 1994-02-01 Font Spec Pro 5.30: Windows font utility to manage fonts.
FTASK120.ZIP 41.9 KB 1994-03-12 Ftaskman 1.20 Windows 3.1 Taskmanager replacement.
FUND21.ZIP 371.2 KB 1994-11-01 Fund Investor (v 2.1) - portfolio manager
FVW104A.ZIP 832.2 KB 1994-03-01 New Fractal Vision for Win: Interactive Fractal designer.
FW25.ZIP 153.5 KB 1994-02-24 Fileware 2.5: Word for Windows Macros.
GATT_1.ZIP 383.2 KB 1994-07-06 GATT treaty in Windows 3.x help format.
GB302.ZIP 319.4 KB 1994-03-03 GRADEBOOK for Windows 3.02. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
GB305.ZIP 789.1 KB 1994-10-06 GradeBook For Windows v3.05 ASP . Advanced
GBV10A.ZIP 110.8 KB 1994-09-30 Goldberg Variations Study Guide v1.0: useful
GC215.ZIP 255.0 KB 1994-12-06 THE GROCERY CONSUMER 2.15 - Most powerful
GFILE21.ZIP 239.5 KB 1994-02-07 File HD Manager.
GINSTMST.ZIP 320.5 KB 1994-02-03 Group Install Master. Adds & deletes Windows groups/items.
GLBTIM13.ZIP 85.8 KB 1994-03-01 Windows program displays world time. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
GMW202.ZIP 413.3 KB 1994-03-13 Grocery Manager 2.02 For Windows. Meal/grocery planner.
GPA.ZIP 741.5 KB 1994-06-24 Greatest Paper Airplanes (Windows Req'd.)
GPA10B.ZIP 704.0 KB 1994-09-01 The Greatest Paper Airplanes v1.0b A Windows
GREPW40.ZIP 96.2 KB 1994-10-20 GREP utility for windows with easy-to-use use
GRFTI11E.ZIP 17.0 KB 1994-10-25 GRAFFITI for Windows v1.1e Feeling tired
GROUPSET.ZIP 70.5 KB 1994-11-11 GroupSets v1.0: Allows multiple users to have
GROWIN1A.ZIP 491.1 KB 1994-11-09 GROWIT for Windows v1.10 (disk 1 of 2) -
GROWIN1B.ZIP 292.4 KB 1994-11-09 GROWIT for Windows v1.10 (disk 2 of 2).
GTWIN170.ZIP 143.6 KB 1994-01-09 Guitar Teacher with chord database for Windows.
GVIA15.ZIP 362.9 KB 1994-03-18 ViaPrint! 1.5 for Windows. All-purpose printing program.
HBG20.ZIP 59.5 KB 1995-01-06 Home Business Guide 2.0
HELLLP20.ZIP 248.6 KB 1994-02-08 HELLLP! 2.0: WinHelp Author Tool For WinWord 2.0/v6.0.
HELPED19.ZIP 248.0 KB 1994-02-09 HelpEdit: Windows Help Tool Editor.
HGOPHR24.ZIP 193.6 KB 1994-02-11 TCP/IP Internet Gopher 2.4 for Windows. Req: WINSOCK.DLL.
HIDIMG30.ZIP 304.5 KB 1994-09-26 Create Hidden Image Auto Stereograms and
HITLINE.ZIP 64.2 KB 1994-02-01 HitLine for Windows. An audio CD-Player/Database.
HLPCOL.ZIP 20.9 KB 1994-03-01 HelpColr 2.0 for Windows - sets colors in help files.
HOLDA21A.ZIP 573.8 KB 1994-11-16 HOLIDAYS! V2.1a - ALL the Dates your
HOMEFILE.ZIP 1.0 MB 1994-08-16 HomeFiler, Jr. for Windows 3.1 - allows you
HOTBSW.ZIP 185.1 KB 1994-05-04 HOT BUTTON for Windows. Must-have for Windows users.
HOTTASK.ZIP 138.6 KB 1994-02-01 Hot Corners 1.5/Task List 1.0. Handy Windows 3.1 utilities.
HPBW100.ZIP 1.0 MB 1994-11-19 bc014
HS11.ZIP 120.8 KB 1994-11-22 HOME STRETCH v1.1 for Windows most realistic
HSMART30.ZIP 89.0 KB 1994-12-20 HEART SMART FOR WINDOWS v3.0 <ASP> - A
HTMLAZIP.ZIP 200.5 KB 1994-12-04 Html assistant 1.4 hypertext editor for win.
IAG10.ZIP 43.5 KB 1994-10-20 Handy icon viewing utility.
IBID20.ZIP 159.0 KB 1994-11-22 IBID. List Maker for Windows 2.0
IC.ZIP 321.8 KB 1994-02-19 ImageCommander 1.0 for Windows. Image manager/manipulator.
ICM34.ZIP 151.1 KB 1994-02-12 Windows Icon manager 3.4.
ICOMAN14.ZIP 55.1 KB 1994-02-07 IconMan 1.4: Ultimate Windows desktop enhancement.
ICON2DLL.ZIP 10.4 KB 1994-11-22 ICONDLL is designed to build a Dynamically
ICONDT20.ZIP 133.0 KB 1994-02-16 Windows program to draw/save icons. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
ICONVIEW.ZIP 146.4 KB 1994-05-06 This is a nifty icon viewer, page through
ICOUTL13.ZIP 40.5 KB 1994-02-01 Scan utility for Windows 3.1.
ICOWIN30.ZIP 121.7 KB 1994-02-10 Icon Editor 3.0: Windows icon editor. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
IDATE201.ZIP 41.9 KB 1994-11-15 IDate is a personal date reminder for
ID_NA4A2.ZIP 655.9 KB 1994-10-19 ID-Logic AM/FM Simulator for windows.
ID_WT4B5.ZIP 317.6 KB 1994-11-09 ID Logic World-Time Clock.
IFA200.ZIP 178.2 KB 1994-02-04 Adds file management to any Windows application.
IG16_102.ZIP 87.4 KB 1994-12-01 Internet Global Phone Ver. 1.02 A program
IGP8_102.ZIP 87.4 KB 1994-12-01 Internet Global Phone Ver 1.02 A program that
IMAGEPRE.ZIP 216.1 KB 1994-11-24 Image Previewer 1.0 for WINDOWS This program
IMEDIA_1.ZIP 1.3 MB 1994-10-07 Infomedia's National Software Review Issue #1
INFO34.ZIP 599.5 KB 1994-02-01 INFO RECALL 3.4 for Windows: Info storage system.
INFOBR21.ZIP 377.0 KB 1994-12-21 InfoBar system monitor bar w/ popup applets
INIEDITW.ZIP 69.4 KB 1994-12-06 INI Edit For Windows 1.0 Edits INI Files For
INIEXE3.ZIP 430.3 KB 1994-02-04 IniMaint 3.0: EXE, DLL.
INIUPDA.ZIP 85.9 KB 1994-02-04 INI Update and Edit Utility: Helps maintain INI files.
INIUTILS.ZIP 4.6 KB 1994-09-10 INIUtils Backup and restore you win.ini
INNRNT12.ZIP 20.0 KB 1994-12-10 Inner-Net (V1.2) A GROUND-BREAKING network
INWCH_18.ZIP 135.7 KB 1994-10-26 InWatch. 'Watches' windows 3.1 apps install.
IPWIN112.ZIP 326.0 KB 1994-02-09 Info Pop for Windows - Windows Help file about the Internet.
IQ13.ZIP 66.6 KB 1994-03-08 Import Quotes 1.3: Win program imports quotes to Quicken.
IRC4WIN.ZIP 88.9 KB 1994-10-09 IRC4WIN is the MS - Windwos Winsock Compliant
ISPY205.ZIP 204.2 KB 1994-08-29 Windows System Information (extensive).
ITUTIL.ZIP 353.5 KB 1994-03-03 Trash, View, Zip. Windows 3.1 File Manager extensions.
IWPRO11.ZIP 226.3 KB 1994-11-14 IconWorks Pro 1.1 - Free Windows icon editor
IW_1.ZIP 1.5 MB 1994-12-13 Internetworks is A Complete Windows-Based
IW_2.ZIP 516.4 KB 1994-12-13 InternetWorks 2 of 2
JAMORT13.ZIP 22.5 KB 1994-11-07 JA Amortization Program v1.3 for windows 3.1
JB10SSS1.ZIP 1.1 MB 1994-06-01 just BUTTONS 1.03 is a highly configurable
JDY10K21.ZIP 109.8 KB 1994-02-01 JUDY'S TENKEY 2.1: Powerful Windows calculator.
JOBHUN6W.ZIP 1.3 MB 1994-10-26 JOBHUNT-6WS: Complete Job-Search Tool (WIN)
JREHOM55.ZIP 448.3 KB 1994-02-01 Track of your home inventory. Req: VBRUN300.DLL/Windows.
JWP11_1.ZIP 561.9 KB 1994-02-26 Japanese Word Processor 1.1 for Windows. (1 of 4)
JWP11_2.ZIP 578.0 KB 1994-02-01 Japanese Word Processor 1.1 for Windows. (2 of 4)
JWP11_3.ZIP 724.6 KB 1994-02-02 Japanese Word Processor for Windows 1.1. (3 of 4)
KDC30.ZIP 329.4 KB 1994-11-08 Keath's Desktop Companion 3.0 will allow you
KEY101.ZIP 113.6 KB 1994-02-11 KEY Search 1.01. Windows Text Indexer searches hard disk(s)
KEYMC103.ZIP 102.3 KB 1994-02-10 Win add-on for Wigwam. Req: WigWam 1.21i/Mouse/VBRUN300.DLL.
KEYPRO12.ZIP 61.8 KB 1994-02-09 KeyPro. A text file editor for Windows.
KILL15.ZIP 133.8 KB 1994-02-01 Task Killer 1.5 for Windows. Displays DLL's & EXE's loaded.
KURV1.ZIP 271.9 KB 1994-02-04 Kurv+ for Windows. Curve fitting program for Windows 3.x.
KURV2.ZIP 323.8 KB 1994-02-01 Kurv+ for Windows. Curve fitting program for Windows 3.x.
LABEL503.ZIP 41.6 KB 1994-02-16 Label 5.03 for Windows: Prints text labels.
LANT5.ZIP 16.2 KB 1994-02-02 Lantasti 5.0 Upgrade For Windows: LANTASTI.386/LANTNET.DRV.
LAUN16A.ZIP 100.8 KB 1994-02-22 Launch! 1.6a for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
LBLMKRV2.ZIP 8.2 KB 1994-02-13 Disk Label Maker 2.0 for Windows.
LBLWZ20A.ZIP 195.1 KB 1994-03-01 Label Wizard 2.0a. Label utility program for Windows 3.1.
LETBOX12.ZIP 137.2 KB 1994-12-16 Letter Box is the worlds first replacement
LETSEE.ZIP 5.3 KB 1994-11-03 Let's See Version 1.0 is a Windows based
LIFE20.ZIP 298.7 KB 1995-01-11 LIFETIME for Windows v2.00
LLABC20.ZIP 543.7 KB 1994-12-18 "Living Letters - ABC edition", Version 2.0
LOCK23.ZIP 89.5 KB 1994-02-01 Windows file encryption program. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
LOGIMW62.ZIP 172.5 KB 1994-03-08 LOGITECH MouseWare 6.20 for Windows.
M4W211SX.ZIP 1.2 MB 1994-10-24 Full featured MOD player For Windows 2.11.
MACSEE32.ZIP 96.8 KB 1994-03-26 WIN utility reads/writes MAC floppy discs (HD) in PC drives.
MAKLOAD.ZIP 15.0 KB 1994-02-26 Click on MAK file in File Manager & direct it to a program.
MATCHIT.ZIP 17.1 KB 1994-02-13 Match It: Windows picture slide puzzle. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
MDESK320.ZIP 156.8 KB 1994-09-09 Magic Desk: Windows-style graphical DOS menu.
MDRAW07E.ZIP 68.3 KB 1994-02-03 MDraw 0.7E: Object-oriented drawing package for Windows.
ME_V1.ZIP 687.6 KB 1994-11-01 \xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd\xcd
MINIDB10.ZIP 400.8 KB 1994-03-20 Mini-DB 1.0: Small database program for Windows.
MIXCS141.ZIP 22.8 KB 1994-09-18 MixCase v1.41: file/clipboard mode MS-Window
MLTLBL.ZIP 192.4 KB 1994-05-03 OSOSOFT's MULTILABEL 3.5. Complete Windows label system.
MOBWINDW.ZIP 52.3 KB 1994-08-04 Ministry of Buttons - allows you to add
MOD4WIN.ZIP 565.0 KB 1994-03-14 MOD player for Windows.
MOONIC10.ZIP 147.9 KB 1994-11-01 Displays current phase (today's) of the moon
MOZRT12A.ZIP 561.0 KB 1994-11-19 MOZART the Windows 3.1 Music Processor
MOZRT12B.ZIP 212.5 KB 1994-11-19 MOZART the Windows 3.1 Music Processor 2 of 2
MPDIARY.ZIP 175.5 KB 1994-07-04 My Personal Diary for Windows v2.0 Keep a
MPEGWIN.ZIP 102.3 KB 1994-03-03 MPEG Audio player for Windows.
MULTVU10.ZIP 84.3 KB 1994-08-22 Windows file viewer. Drag'n'drop server.
MYCLOCK2.ZIP 12.6 KB 1994-10-29 MyClock - This utility puts the time and/or
MYSPY.ZIP 195.3 KB 1994-02-01 Enhanced Windows 3.1 Spy program.
MYTRASH.ZIP 144.6 KB 1994-10-15 MyTrash is another Windows trashcan program
NDW_SMHP.ZIP 483.8 KB 1994-02-01 Updated Norton Desktop for Windows HLP File.
NEAT_13.ZIP 232.3 KB 1994-09-25 NeAT v1.3: advanced MS-Windows pgm launcher;
NORSK.ZIP 191.4 KB 1994-02-06 English-Norwegian Translator for Win. Req: VBRUN200.DLL.
NSHHN35.ZIP 672.0 KB 1995-01-01 NutriSoft HEALTHY HEART NUTRITION for Windows
NTW10A.ZIP 470.9 KB 1994-11-01 NoteWorthy for Windows 1.0a, music notation
NUMORSE.ZIP 132.0 KB 1994-02-21 Morse Code Tutor for Windows.
NWC11.ZIP 587.8 KB 1994-12-01 NoteWorthy Composer 1.10, Note Processor for
ODAY200.ZIP 369.4 KB 1994-03-01 OmniDay personal calendar/journal for Win.
OFGINI2.ZIP 18.9 KB 1994-09-11 OFgIni.Lib v2.0 - create and manage.INI
OKBUTTON.ZIP 7.0 KB 1994-02-19 Fun! Windows OK button runs away from the mouse pointer!
OLEKB.ZIP 49.5 KB 1994-02-06 Knowledge Base for Windows SDK OLE topics.
OLE_HELP.ZIP 22.8 KB 1994-03-14 This is a Windows Help File on OLE.
ONEXIT10.ZIP 91.3 KB 1994-12-08 On-Exit! v1.0 Autorun program Windows 3.1
OPTMIZ.ZIP 9.3 KB 1994-02-01 Instructions on Optimizing Word for Windows.
ORG_CARD.ZIP 59.4 KB 1994-02-09 Uses Windows Cardfile for Organic Chemistry flashcards.
OSWDEMO.ZIP 407.4 KB 1994-12-14 Outspoken screen reader for windows and speed
PA57.ZIP 446.7 KB 1994-02-11 Printer's Apprentice 5.7 Windows font printer/viewer/manager
PA59.ZIP 662.1 KB 1994-12-18 Printer's Apprentice 5.9-Win31 Font Manager
PACKWIN.ZIP 29.8 KB 1994-06-21 Compress windows.exe &.dll to normal size
PAGEME1.ZIP 149.8 KB 1994-02-21 Send messages to an alpha-numeric pagers from Windows.
PAGER.ZIP 109.3 KB 1994-02-24 Windows program dials alphanumeric pagers.
PAMMAF.ZIP 7.7 KB 1994-02-11 WinWord 6.x Macro: Play ANY multimedia object.
PBBSW30B.ZIP 724.8 KB 1994-02-21 POWERBBS FOR Windows 3.00 (2 of 2)
PBTIPS.ZIP 135.5 KB 1994-02-01 All Tech tips for PowerBuilder in Win Help file format.
PCB101.ZIP 287.2 KB 1994-02-01 PC-BARTENDER 1.0 for Win: Organize recipes. (1 of 2)
PCB102.ZIP 234.3 KB 1994-02-01 PC-BARTENDER 1.0 for Win: Organize recipes. (2 of 2)
PEEPER.ZIP 470.0 KB 1995-01-11 PEEPER 1.08 File Viewer/Vers Info
PEGIF.ZIP 59.1 KB 1994-02-01 Desktop menu for Windows.
PEN_TEST.ZIP 3.4 KB 1994-12-01 Pentium FPU FDIV bug-test applet (Windows)
PHONMATE.ZIP 129.2 KB 1994-10-21 PhoneMate 1.0 - Address Book for Windows
PICV10.ZIP 29.0 KB 1994-12-26 Picture View v1.00 - Windows utility allows
PKPRW11.ZIP 923.6 KB 1994-12-30 Pkpress for Windows v1.1 save MEGABYTES of
PLABL.ZIP 33.8 KB 1994-02-08 Print Label prints labels on a dot matrix printer.
PLUGIN20.ZIP 396.4 KB 1994-05-03 PLUG-IN FOR PROGRAM MANAGER 2.0. Fills holes in Windows!
PMHCS30A.ZIP 1.2 MB 1994-11-02 PMHCS Money Personal Finance Manager. Keep
PMMGR1.ZIP 29.7 KB 1994-02-03 PMMGR 1.0. Allows editing of Program Manager groups & items
POLYG210.ZIP 19.8 KB 1994-02-07 PolyGeometrics 2.10. A Windows 3.1 Screen Saver.
POPCAL55.ZIP 91.5 KB 1994-11-07 POPCAL v5.5 - reqs vbrun300.dll and
POW101.ZIP 145.8 KB 1994-03-19 POW 1.0 Windows QWK mail reader. A "One QWK at a time" OLR.
PPINTRO2.ZIP 685.7 KB 1994-03-19 PagePlus Intro. Windows Desktop Publishing program (2 of 2)
PRCLIP.ZIP 4.1 KB 1994-02-11 PrClip: Easy way of doing screen prints. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
PRINTF16.ZIP 24.2 KB 1994-02-13 PrintFlip 1.6 for Windows.
PRJCT161.ZIP 100.4 KB 1994-02-03 Projector for Win 1.61: Movie Screen Saver. Req: 4WRUN.EXE.
PROCD234.ZIP 511.7 KB 1994-01-19 ProCD Audio Player 2.23b For Windows.
PROSCH1.ZIP 903.3 KB 1994-02-06 Protel for Win Advanced Schematic: Evaluation. (1 of 2)
PRTY15D2.ZIP 351.5 KB 1994-02-01 Stock chart/Analysis for Win. Req: VGA/Mouse. (2 of 2)
PSW21D.ZIP 104.2 KB 1994-03-07 PrintSwitch 2.1d. Change default Windows printer in 1 click
PSW30.ZIP 119.4 KB 1994-02-03 Easily change printers in Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
PTTD10.ZIP 138.1 KB 1994-03-09 A full fledged paint program. Req: Windows/VGA/VBRUN300.DLL
PWF11.ZIP 55.6 KB 1994-03-09 PGP Windows Front end for using PGP under DOS Windows.
PWZAP.ZIP 21.5 KB 1994-03-17 PWZAP - Version 1.0. This is a freebie
P_RIP203.ZIP 112.6 KB 1994-03-14 PowerRIP 2.03: Full-screen ripper for MODs/669s/etc.
QCD107.ZIP 368.4 KB 1994-02-01 QuickCards for Windows: Walks you through Windows tasks.
QDBW20.ZIP 680.0 KB 1994-12-02 q&dBase for Windows v2.0a DataBase Creation
QL2000.ZIP 63.9 KB 1994-02-01 Fantastic toolbox to be used as or with Program Manager.
QUICL20.ZIP 105.1 KB 1994-02-03 QuiClick programmable toolbar application launcher for WIN31
QUIKNO.ZIP 178.8 KB 1994-10-28 Quick Notes 2.0, a Notepad replacement, is
QUIKRUN4.ZIP 6.5 KB 1994-11-14 QuickRun 4.00 (C) 1994 Black Bishop Software
QVTW3986.ZIP 376.4 KB 1994-12-04 WinQVT/Net v3.98 for Windows 3. FTP and
QW3R7.ZIP 230.5 KB 1994-05-12 Quicken for Windows 3.0 release 7 upgrade patch and patcher.
RECOMM10.ZIP 75.8 KB 1994-02-01 Recomm 1.0 for Windows: Share your modem across a Network.
REMEMBWN.ZIP 72.1 KB 1994-03-03 Windows program reminds of appointments & repetitive events!
RESDU251.ZIP 282.4 KB 1994-12-21 RESDUET v2.51 is a small, floating panel that
RIGMGR20.ZIP 411.7 KB 1994-02-08 RigManager for Windows: Control HF radio.
RM.ZIP 506.9 KB 1994-02-26 Radio Manager for Windows for the Icom R-7000 Radio.
RMETR101.ZIP 18.6 KB 1994-02-16 Resource Meter 1.01: Windows resource gauge; configurable.
RNHERE16.ZIP 16.3 KB 1994-10-16 RunHere v1.6: MS-Windows utility that can be
ROCKET11.ZIP 59.2 KB 1994-03-17 Rockets 1.1: Window program designed to teach kids.
RTPM102.ZIP 30.8 KB 1994-10-21 Real-Time Performance Monitor for windows.
RUDCLKV1.ZIP 1.1 MB 1994-02-03 RUDECLOCK 1.0 for Windows: Full sound support. RUDE clock!
RUNAPP30.ZIP 38.1 KB 1994-10-11 RunApp v3.0 - Small out of the way command
SABDU250.ZIP 300.4 KB 1994-02-03 Windows Diskette Utility to Format/copy/compare/save floppy.
SAMDU250.ZIP 72.9 KB 1994-02-14 SAB Diskette Utility program for using the SABDU001.DLL.
SANTACLK.ZIP 5.1 KB 1994-03-05 A Christmas clock for Windows. Time and shopping days.
SCDSK20E.ZIP 46.6 KB 1994-11-22 Scrolling Desktop v2.0E Windows utility that
SCLCK11B.ZIP 66.2 KB 1994-11-29 Super Clock 1.1: Super Clock is a handy
SCLIP200.ZIP 30.3 KB 1994-11-13 Windows clipboard enhancement utility
SDZW211.ZIP 957.2 KB 1994-11-09 SoundZ For Windows 2.11 <ASP> The ULTIMATE
SEARCHR.ZIP 162.2 KB 1994-02-04 Searcher for Windows. Locate files based on file name, etc.
SEEDEE10.ZIP 23.8 KB 1994-02-01 SeeDee Player 1.0: CD Audio Player for Windows.
SEMAFR11.ZIP 6.6 KB 1994-09-01 Semafore v1.1 - Is a totally useless icon for
SETTITLE.ZIP 12.6 KB 1994-02-01 Changes title of window from command line. Req: Win/NT.
SH30.ZIP 112.4 KB 1994-11-17 Typing productivity tool for Windows 3.1
SHWCRD20.ZIP 16.5 KB 1994-02-24 Print Windows CardFiles easily. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
SH_PIF14.ZIP 123.7 KB 1994-02-19 Show-PIF 1.40: Windows utility shows PIF info visually.
SKEDEZ12.ZIP 84.9 KB 1994-07-05 SKEDEZY 1.2 - A Windows calendar/scheduler
SKYMP20A.ZIP 473.0 KB 1994-03-02 SKYMAP 2.0 for Windows. (1 of 2) Draws accurate star maps.
SKYMP20B.ZIP 561.6 KB 1994-03-05 SKYMAP 2.0 for Windows. (2 of 2) SkyMap data file archive.
SLIPDB10.ZIP 443.8 KB 1994-09-25 Slip DB 1.01 Sept 19, 1994 Cost accounting
SMISHL14.ZIP 80.2 KB 1994-02-03 SmilerShell v1.4: Windows command line.
SMRTDRW.ZIP 426.1 KB 1994-11-15 SMARTDRAW v1.01 - Draw & Flowchart for
SMTADR10.ZIP 190.0 KB 1994-03-06 SMART ADDRESS management for Windows! MDI support & more!
SMTCAT16.ZIP 357.8 KB 1994-02-01 SmartCat Plus 1.6 The ultimate Windows Disk/CD Cataloger.
SMTDOC10.ZIP 26.9 KB 1994-02-07 SmartDoc 1.0: Converts Windows Help to ASCII.
SMTFNT11.ZIP 36.9 KB 1994-02-01 SmartFont 1.1. Ultimate Windows installed font previewer.
SMTTOP11.ZIP 27.4 KB 1994-02-01 SmartTop 1.1 Always-on-Top utility for any Window.
SM_FC.ZIP 255.2 KB 1994-08-03 StudyMaster Flash Cards - is an electronic
SOLBAK.ZIP 19.0 KB 1994-02-17 Soldier Backup. Easy-to-use backup system for Windows.
SP0843.ZIP 782.4 KB 1994-07-18 SP0843.ZIP
SP0891.ZIP 782.5 KB 1994-08-23 SP0891.ZIP Compaq Tech file
SP0958.ZIP 1011.4 KB 1994-10-06 SP0958.ZIP
SPACE159.ZIP 750.7 KB 1994-11-12 Space Hound 1.59 Windows Disk Utility <ASP>
SPARTA12.ZIP 114.3 KB 1994-02-04 Sparta 1.2. A Macintosh-like operating environment!
SPELLSEN.ZIP 275.5 KB 1994-02-05 Spell Sentry 1.0: Win Word, Clipboard, and ASCII checker.
SPY210.ZIP 283.6 KB 1994-12-16 InfoSpy - A Windows environment spy which
SQUEAK19.ZIP 179.7 KB 1994-11-03 Squeaky Mouse v1.9E - Squeaky Mouse is a
SRGWN413.ZIP 590.7 KB 1995-01-02 "Shareware Reference Guide: Windows edition"
START11.ZIP 244.3 KB 1994-03-06 Windows Startup Program Manager Utility. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
STAYPUT.ZIP 131.7 KB 1994-11-11 Monitors the specified program's window state
STEREO10.ZIP 84.6 KB 1994-11-04 Stereogram Animator for Windows: See 3D
STEVES.ZIP 548.7 KB 1994-02-10 47 different screen saver files for Windows.
STICKY13.ZIP 90.6 KB 1994-02-06 Sticky 1.3. Messaging system for Windows for Workgroups.
STICKY30.ZIP 318.0 KB 1994-11-12 STICKIES 3.0 for Windows. Considered to be
STILET1A.ZIP 78.9 KB 1994-11-20 Free Win3.1 task launcher/switcher featuring:
STRIPP11.ZIP 4.7 KB 1994-03-01 The Stripper 1.1 for Windows: Strips codes.
SUNSET1.ZIP 329.2 KB 1994-02-08 SunsetCAD 1.00 Object-based CAD program for Windows.
SWD10.ZIP 338.9 KB 1994-12-13 The Silver Wolf Desktop for Windows 3.1
SYSEXMAN.ZIP 16.9 KB 1994-12-21 Forge Sysex Manager ver 0.9 Beta For Windows
TAFCLK10.ZIP 9.4 KB 1994-10-29 TAF Clock for Windows v1.0E Semitransparent
TARDISV2.ZIP 36.3 KB 1994-11-17 Windows 3.1 application that synchronizes
TASKLR13.ZIP 116.6 KB 1994-02-16 Windows program designed to display loaded modules.
TAXCUT94.ZIP 3.0 MB 1995-01-04 TaxCut 1994 Headstart Edition for Windows.
TBAG20.ZIP 73.6 KB 1994-12-09 Travel Bag 2.0 Free Windows Travel
TBAR10.ZIP 57.0 KB 1994-02-23 Define a toolbar for a particular task. Requires WIN31.
TBAVW610.ZIP 126.5 KB 1994-01-28 ThunderBYTE 6.10 for Windows: Complete anti-virus package.
TC402PRO.ZIP 530.0 KB 1994-02-04 Newest Time & Chaos 4.02: Lots of enhancements.
TENKEY.ZIP 183.8 KB 1994-10-20 Powerful Windows calculator with nearly every
THEPAD2.ZIP 315.7 KB 1994-10-21 "THE PAD" FOR WINDOWS! Must for every desktop
THEWRD20.ZIP 73.0 KB 1994-06-23 The Word NOW! V2.0: MS-Windows app that will
TIMCLK11.ZIP 174.0 KB 1994-11-12 PC-TIMECLOCK v1.1 Tracks and reports your
TIMEKE23.ZIP 38.4 KB 1994-02-03 Timekeep 2.3: Alarm Clock for Windows.
TIMEUP12.ZIP 101.0 KB 1994-10-24 Time's Up! V 1.2: for Windows 3.1 ; an
TIMLFT.ZIP 117.4 KB 1994-11-19 A great Windows 3.x utility that tells you
TIRES11E.ZIP 46.3 KB 1994-11-22 Title Bar Resource v1.1E Utility to display
TKB100.ZIP 290.8 KB 1994-04-15 Track It! Books 1.0 for Windows <ASP> Create a catalog.
TKB204.ZIP 380.4 KB 1994-12-15 Track It! Books v2.04 <WINDOWS 3.1> Track,
TKC100.ZIP 303.4 KB 1994-04-15 Track It! Coins 1.00 for Windows <ASP> Create a catalog.
TKC201.ZIP 379.1 KB 1994-12-15 Track It! Coins v2.01 <WINDOWS 3.1> Track,
TKH100.ZIP 291.5 KB 1994-04-15 Track It! Home Inventory 1.0 for Windows. Create a catalog
TKH203.ZIP 378.3 KB 1994-12-15 Track It! Inventory v2.03 <WINDOWS 3.1>
TKS100.ZIP 311.6 KB 1994-04-15 Track It! Stamps 1.00 for Windows <ASP> Create a catalog.
TKS203.ZIP 392.5 KB 1994-12-15 Track It! Stamps v2.03 <WINDOWS 3.1> Track,
TKV100.ZIP 299.4 KB 1994-04-15 Track It! Videos 1.00 for Windows <ASP> Create a catalog.
TKV203.ZIP 382.0 KB 1994-12-20 Track It! Videos v2.03 <WINDOWS 3.1> Track,
TMLN4WN.ZIP 1.1 MB 1994-02-01 Historical timeline for Win: Emphasizes religious history.
TMT201.ZIP 47.1 KB 1994-03-01 Time & Money Tracker for Windows. Tracks project time.
TOOLBA.ZIP 67.8 KB 1994-07-10 Creates TOOLBAR with those "tiny" popup
TOOLBOX.ZIP 590.3 KB 1994-02-10 Set of 42 toolboxes for Windows applications.
TRAXTIME.ZIP 753.2 KB 1994-02-01 TraxTime 1.0. Personal punch clock for Win 3.1.
TSYNC1_8.ZIP 390.9 KB 1994-07-27 Timesync is a simple winsock app that sets
TWDYN11.ZIP 75.3 KB 1994-02-17 Capture portions of Windows & put them in your clipboard.
TWNSCK10.ZIP 126.5 KB 1994-11-15 Troy's Windows Sockets <BSD Socket API for
TWSK20A.ZIP 175.1 KB 1994-10-27 Trumpet Winsock 2.0a is now shareware.
TXTPRIME.ZIP 7.7 KB 1994-02-22 A Windows program that computes primes.
UCLOCK11.ZIP 42.2 KB 1994-10-22 Ultimate Clock v1.1 - Fully configurable,
UNIDR314.ZIP 91.7 KB 1994-02-02 Uni Drive 3.1.4: Windows universal printer driver.
USCLK13E.ZIP 54.8 KB 1994-11-30 Rabbit Clock analog clock with a dancing
USDEBT53.ZIP 7.9 KB 1994-02-06 Win program: Shows US debt. Watch it grow! Req: VBRUN300.DLL
USERKB.ZIP 492.1 KB 1994-02-07 Windows SDK Knowledge base for Win32 API specification.
UTIL6WIN.ZIP 1.1 MB 1994-02-01 Utilities for WPWin6.0 primarily relating to printers.
VALARM.ZIP 409.7 KB 1994-02-03 Visual Alarm 1.0: A great little alarm clock for Windows.
VBGAMES.ZIP 384.4 KB 1994-03-14 VBASIC games for Windows with run file.
VBRUN123.ZIP 616.3 KB 1993-04-28 VBRUN100.DLL, VBRUN200.DLL and VBRUN300.DLL complete.
VBSTAT02.ZIP 71.9 KB 1994-07-16 Experimental Windows Web server Statistics
VBSYS134.ZIP 48.6 KB 1994-02-01 Windows System/Setup displayer.
VBSYS232.ZIP 104.7 KB 1994-11-07 VBSys Windows System Monitor Ver 2.32(VBSys
VBWIZ120.ZIP 182.8 KB 1995-01-01 VB Wizard 1.20.05 for Windows 3.1
VERLOOK1.ZIP 35.8 KB 1994-02-07 Windows file version resource reader. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
VIAPRINT.ZIP 92.2 KB 1994-02-09 ViaPrint: Prints labels, business cards under Windows.
VIDVUE21.ZIP 363.5 KB 1994-02-12 Win Multimedia Viewer/Slideshow Utility. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
VISDIF.ZIP 126.7 KB 1994-02-01 Visual Diff 1.0.
VM14410.ZIP 1.0 MB 1994-02-06 VideoMaster 1.0 For Windows: Keep Track of Video Library.
VOCAB109.ZIP 14.4 KB 1994-03-01 Windows utility extracts a vocabulary list from a text file.
VRVC1.ZIP 436.9 KB 1994-08-14 Virtual Reality Valentine Card Windows v1.0
VSW14C.ZIP 70.2 KB 1994-02-08 VidSwitch 1.4C Change video resolution quickly & easily.
VUEPRINT.ZIP 64.2 KB 1994-02-24 VuePrint for Windows - display/print GIF, JPEG & BMP files.
VUPRNT12.ZIP 64.7 KB 1994-02-14 VuePrint 1.2. Windows graphics display & print program.
VUPRNT14.ZIP 66.0 KB 1994-02-06 Display/Print GIF/JPEG/BMP in Windows.
W4S31.ZIP 107.9 KB 1994-03-14 Windows utility to set up mouse and keyboard buttons.
WALLY.ZIP 162.7 KB 1994-02-07 Wally changes your Windows wallpaper.
WALMAN.ZIP 41.4 KB 1994-02-09 Windows Wallpaper changer allows a separate BMP directory.
WATCH11.ZIP 111.8 KB 1995-01-03 WinWatch system/disk/resource monitor v.1.1
WAVPLY10.ZIP 5.0 KB 1994-02-01 Windows quick WAV launcher. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WAVUTL23.ZIP 155.1 KB 1994-03-22 Wave Utilities 2.3: A Multimedia Tool package for Windows.
WBANK101.ZIP 572.0 KB 1994-12-19 WinBanker Ver 1.01 - An easy to use money
WBANK22.ZIP 81.3 KB 1994-03-23 BankExpert: Windows program to automate checking accounts.
WBOOK16U.ZIP 13.4 KB 1994-02-10 WordBook 1.6U for WinWord is an address & phone book manager
WCHG23.ZIP 118.0 KB 1994-02-01 Win Change 2.3. Globally change text in GRP, INI, PIF files
WCLK45.ZIP 104.0 KB 1994-02-06 A Windows global time program.
WCMDE11E.ZIP 204.2 KB 1994-03-04 Windows Commander 1.10e. Replaces File manager for Windows.
WCTRL11.ZIP 73.6 KB 1994-02-02 WinCONTROL. Quick access to several handy Windows functions
WCV32.ZIP 333.3 KB 1994-03-01 WinCover v3.2: Prints FAX cover sheets. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WDAT33.ZIP 47.4 KB 1994-03-14 WingDate 3.3: Provides visual reminder of upcoming events.
WDF131.ZIP 98.8 KB 1994-03-12 DF Lite 1.31 Small MS-Windows diskette copy utility.
WDF140.ZIP 98.8 KB 1994-02-04 Windows utility to do multiple DISKCOPYs.
WDIFF121.ZIP 73.4 KB 1994-10-15 WDiff v1.21 ASP - Win File/Dir/ZIP Diff Side
WDISC110.ZIP 69.8 KB 1994-02-08 A CD player for Windows.
WDISSRC1.ZIP 214.5 KB 1994-11-24 WINDIS sources
WDLLF1.ZIP 68.9 KB 1994-11-04 WDLLFnd version 1.10 Windows program helps
WDT100.ZIP 375.4 KB 1994-04-15 Debt Analyzer for Windows 1.00 <ASP> Helps reduce debt.
WEVNT15.ZIP 145.2 KB 1994-11-05 WINEVENT v1.5 for Windows Event Scheduler &
WFIND21.ZIP 53.4 KB 1994-03-16 FILE FINDER 2.1 for Windows. Powerful file search program.
WFLASH30.ZIP 140.3 KB 1994-03-19 WinFlash 3.0. Upgrade adds fonts, colors, .BMP graphics, etc
WFNGRD12.ZIP 38.4 KB 1994-09-07 Winsock Finger Daemon Version 1.2 developed
WFTPD195.ZIP 144.7 KB 1994-10-18 WFTPD Windows FTP Daemon W1.95 vor Winsock
WFTPD1_7.ZIP 74.1 KB 1994-02-26 Win 3.x FTP Daemon 1.7: For Winsock.
WFUGUE01.ZIP 56.1 KB 1994-11-09 WinFugue v0.1a a new WinSock MU* client.
WFUND36.ZIP 239.6 KB 1994-03-04 FundExpert 3.6 for Windows: A portfolio manager.
WG0970.ZIP 6.5 KB 1994-02-06 VNETBIOS.386 Corrects WFW311 Real-Mode Transport Problems.
WG0971.ZIP 31.4 KB 1994-02-01 Windows for Workgroups VNETBIOS.386 Corrects CORRECTION!
WG0973.ZIP 6.0 KB 1994-02-24 Windows for Workgroups RMM.D32 Corrects Five-Second Delay.
WIN3_11U.ZIP 584.6 KB 1994-02-08 Upgrade Windows 3.1 to 3.11.
WINBAG23.ZIP 90.3 KB 1994-03-04 Windows utility tool bag for DOS 6.
WINBAR15.ZIP 157.8 KB 1994-07-06 WinBar v1.5 - The Ultimate Drinks Database.
WINBAR40.ZIP 55.3 KB 1994-03-08 Winbar 4.0: Clock/system info all displayed on a bar.
WINCAT34.ZIP 378.8 KB 1994-03-01 WinCat/PRO 3.4. Catalogs floppy disks, CDs, harddisks, etc.
WINCHG12.ZIP 38.2 KB 1994-12-11 Window Changer v1.2 - Switch windows fast.
WINCRYPT.ZIP 34.4 KB 2094-01-01 WinCrypt for Windows. An encryption/decryption game.
WINCUR2.ZIP 22.1 KB 1994-02-01 WinCur Vol. 2. Collection of 10 "see thru" Windows cursors.
WINCUR4.ZIP 59.2 KB 1994-09-15 WinCur Vol. 4 - A collection of all 28 NFL
WINDIGO0.ZIP 124.9 KB 1994-02-01 Windows program allows 2 people to play GO through eMail.
WINDIR22.ZIP 13.1 KB 1994-02-14 Windows Directory Compare 2.2.
WINDIZ10.ZIP 64.6 KB 1994-03-02 WinDIZ 1.0 The first Windows ZIP file ID generator!
WINDIZ12.ZIP 431.4 KB 1994-10-04 Windiz For Windows V1.2 - is A Small, Easy to
WINDUP21.ZIP 310.6 KB 1995-01-02 WinDupe v2.10 Windows Disk Duplicator
WINEXM11.ZIP 21.5 KB 1994-02-14 EXE Master for Windows: Shows practically ANY file.
WINFAXJN.ZIP 4.9 KB 1994-02-06 WinWord 6.0 macro: Sends document to WinFax.
WINFC1B.ZIP 143.1 KB 1994-09-25 WinFC V1.0b - September 20, 1994 WinFC is a
WINFDATE.ZIP 14.4 KB 1994-03-04 Change a file's date/time from the Windows RUN command.
WINFIN34.ZIP 345.1 KB 1994-03-01 Does standard financial calculations under MS-Windows 3.1.
WINHP505.ZIP 207.7 KB 1994-02-19 Windows 3.1 Help Compiler 5.05: HC505.EXE contains four.
WINIMA20.ZIP 222.4 KB 1994-02-01 WINIMAGE 2.0. THE Windows Disk Imager - Run in background.
WINIMAN.ZIP 36.1 KB 1994-02-15 WiniMan. Allows you to configure INI files on the fly.
WINLINK.ZIP 38.5 KB 1994-02-01 Expands the capabilities of a DOS box in 386 Enhanced Mode.
WINMEN18.ZIP 63.3 KB 1994-08-27 WinMenu is a Shareware Menu Program for
WINPAS11.ZIP 12.2 KB 1994-02-20 PW-Lock Windows. Req: Windows/VBRUN300.DLL/THREED.VBX.
WINPM122.ZIP 817.9 KB 1994-09-16 Pegasus email for windows v1.22. WINPMAIL
WINROLL_.ZIP 214.4 KB 1995-01-15 This is a great CASHFLOW program. With this
WINS10.ZIP 33.8 KB 1994-09-15 WINSTALL v1.0 ASP A professional Windows
WINSP05.ZIP 48.4 KB 1994-02-01 Intelligent Windows print spooler. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WINSTRB2.ZIP 331.8 KB 1995-01-02 WinStrobe 2.0! Larger strobe-window. Create
WINTED.ZIP 332.5 KB 1994-02-12 Turbo Editor for Windows 3.1.
WINWAV30.ZIP 63.8 KB 1994-02-07 WinWAV 3.00: Attach WAV file to ANY Windows application.
WINWEB.ZIP 585.3 KB 1994-12-19 This is a pre-release of the WinWeb software.
WINX10.ZIP 85.3 KB 1994-02-01 WinX allows any window to be moved easily in the background.
WIPEO122.ZIP 51.7 KB 1994-03-01 Wipe-Out 1.22. DOS program deletes unwanted Windows apps.
WLAB1B.ZIP 720.5 KB 1994-03-14 Windows Label program specifically for Avery Laser Labels.
WLIFE10.ZIP 51.7 KB 1995-01-04 WinLife v1.0 is a Windows implementation of
WM2.ZIP 159.3 KB 1994-02-05 A desktop unit conversion program for Windows.
WMB009A1.ZIP 989.9 KB 1994-02-01 WIN-MAIL Pointe System for Windows: Beta update. (1 of 2)
WMB009A2.ZIP 1.1 MB 1994-02-07 WIN-MAIL Point System for Windows Beta update. (2 of 2)
WMENU50.ZIP 162.2 KB 1994-11-18 Rev 5.0 of an excellent customizable WIN 3.1
WMOS1_0.ZIP 214.8 KB 1994-02-06 WinMosaic: Now easily traverse the Internet.
WNBFF19A.ZIP 36.3 KB 1994-02-05 Mail notification utility for Windows.
WNCODE26.ZIP 260.1 KB 1994-10-31 Windows program which converts 8-bit BINARY
WNEXIT.ZIP 138.2 KB 1994-11-11 WinExit (freeware) provides multiple methods
WNFAM10E.ZIP 154.2 KB 1994-02-02 Win-Family 1.0e. Windows Genealogical program.
WNGDIR10.ZIP 32.1 KB 1994-02-01 WingDir 1.0: Windows DIR match/compare. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WNOT15.ZIP 155.4 KB 1994-03-02 NotGNU Emacs-like editor for Windows.
WNSTRT11.ZIP 157.3 KB 1994-12-25 WINSTART v1.1 - Allows deciding whether to
WNWATD11.ZIP 58.5 KB 1994-11-07 WinWatchdog-v1.1 - FREEWARE This utility will
WOLR91.ZIP 592.1 KB 1994-10-31 WinOnLine REVIEW Issue #91 \xfaCommercial
WOLR92.ZIP 457.6 KB 1994-12-01 WinOnLine REVIEW Issue #92 \xfaReviews of
WOLR93.ZIP 502.5 KB 1994-12-31 WinOnLine REVIEW Issue #93 \xfaReviews of
WOLRS29.ZIP 161.2 KB 1994-02-04 WinOnLine Review Num 29: The Original WinHelp Magazine.
WOLRS30.ZIP 107.1 KB 1994-02-12 WinOnLine Review Num 30: The Original WinHelp Magazine.
WORDCB21.ZIP 49.9 KB 1994-02-23 WordCab 2.1: File cabinet for WinWord 2.x.
WORDINI6.ZIP 5.4 KB 1994-02-01 Word 6.0 for Windows: WINWORD6.INI setting.
WOTTAVU.ZIP 368.3 KB 1994-11-28 What A View! Multi-format file viewer.
WPTOOL11.ZIP 166.4 KB 1994-03-01 Assorted WP Utilities.
WR10A.ZIP 354.7 KB 1994-02-02 Wave Rider 1.0. Windows .QWK & BlueWave mail packet reader.
WR10B.ZIP 258.2 KB 1994-04-13 Wave Rider 1.0. Windows .QWK & BlueWave mail packet reader.
WRAMP121.ZIP 1.3 MB 1994-10-27 WinRamp Lite v1.21 for Windows - your
WRDINFO.ZIP 69.4 KB 1994-01-27 WordInfo: WinWord 6.0 add-in.
WRDR06C.ZIP 25.1 KB 1994-02-19 DirChanger 0.6C: Word for Windows 6.x DIR changer macro.
WRITEL.ZIP 815.9 KB 1994-03-21 Windows Logging Program: Updated drivers.
WRSH14.ZIP 86.9 KB 1994-10-22 Remote Shell for Windows 1.4
WSARCH07.ZIP 171.2 KB 1994-11-17 Latest version of this Archie client.
WSFNGR11.ZIP 90.1 KB 1994-02-19 Winsock Finger client version 1.1
WSH12.ZIP 89.5 KB 1994-02-08 Windows file deletion. Sound/animation. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WSHOST11.ZIP 5.5 KB 1994-10-11 Windows Socket Host v1.10
WSIRC14B.ZIP 491.1 KB 1994-09-13 Winsocket IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client
WSNWUTIL.ZIP 163.1 KB 1994-11-16 For WINSOCK - freely distributable dlls and
WSTIM51B.ZIP 61.7 KB 1994-12-27 Win SetTime v5.1 - Windows utility dials any
WSTIME40.ZIP 27.9 KB 1994-02-12 Win SetTime sets your system clock by the atomic clock.
WSTIME45.ZIP 56.9 KB 1994-02-09 Win SetTime 4.5: Program to set the PC clock from NIST.
WS_FTP32.ZIP 138.0 KB 1994-10-25 Windows Sockets FTP Client Application
WS_WATCH.ZIP 26.4 KB 1994-10-28 Windows Sockets Net Watch alpha version 4
WTAPER10.ZIP 642.5 KB 1994-12-23 Wintaper - The Best Way to Organize And Track
WTIMER.ZIP 55.8 KB 1994-12-12 Win Timer 4.1 for Windows track online
WUNZIP40.ZIP 103.5 KB 1994-02-21 WinUnZip 4.0. MS-Windows unZIP utility. ZIP is built in!
WV169610.ZIP 255.1 KB 1994-12-17 NNTP News Reader for Windows Ver. 0.93 ten
WW0981.ZIP 563.6 KB 1994-02-03 Windows upgrade: Go from 3.10 to 3.11.
WWAGES1A.ZIP 67.7 KB 1994-02-06 Calculates Hourly, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly wages.
WWAIS24.ZIP 562.5 KB 1994-03-15 US Geological Survey WAIS for Windows ver2.4
WWPLS143.ZIP 381.3 KB 1995-01-10 WWPlus 1.4 wallpaper manager/screen saver.
WWWIN13.ZIP 812.8 KB 1995-01-18 \xda\xc4\xc4{ WordWise Daily Scripture Calendar }\xc4\xc4\xbf
WYNSAG11.ZIP 30.2 KB 1994-02-03 WynSage 1.1: Windows daily display of famous quotations.
W_MIN112.ZIP 15.1 KB 1994-11-20 WAOL-Minimize 1.12 Adds the ability to
XF45.ZIP 28.5 KB 1994-02-01 Crossfire update to work with Paradox 4.5 for Windows.
XFERP1.ZIP 130.8 KB 1994-07-31 XFERPRO version 1.0 XFERPRO, short for
X_LIGHTS.ZIP 72.7 KB 1994-11-28 Hangs a string of flashing Christmas lights
YEAR.ZIP 4.6 KB 1994-02-05 WP for Windows 6.0 macro creates year-at-a-glance calendar.
YELLOW.ZIP 55.7 KB 1994-02-02 YELLOW STICKY 2.0: "To Do" manager for Windows.
ZCB20.ZIP 390.0 KB 1994-11-24 Zip code book for windows v2.0 zip code (and
ZIP2X.ZIP 97.3 KB 1994-02-09 File to make PC-Tools for Windows 1.0 work with ZIP 2.04g.
ZIPAPER.ZIP 48.8 KB 1994-01-16 ZIPAPER V1.3C <ASP> ZiPaper v1.3c Windows
ZIPSCAN3.ZIP 103.8 KB 1994-12-19 Zip Scan 3.0 For WindowsScans Zips for
ZIPTEMP.ZIP 93.3 KB 1994-10-21 ZipTemplate 1.00 for Windows 3.1
ZIPWHK16.ZIP 109.3 KB 1994-11-12 ZipWhacker is a complete, easy-to-use
ZP101A.ZIP 315.4 KB 1994-03-10 ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: Area Code Finder for Win. (2 of 7)
ZP101B.ZIP 299.4 KB 1994-03-03 ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: ZIP Code Finder for Win. (3 of 7)
ZP101F.ZIP 122.6 KB 1994-03-01 ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: Area Code Finder for Win. (7 of 7)
ZP_ARC10.ZIP 327.7 KB 1994-11-22 ZIP PRO V1.0 ASP - Zip & UnZip for Windows.
ZS20A.ZIP 439.3 KB 1994-12-01 Zip Studio 2.0 (Part 1/2) A Zip Shell for the
ZS20B.ZIP 497.2 KB 1994-12-01 Zip Studio 2.0 (Part 2/2)
ZSSHL2.ZIP 580.6 KB 1994-12-01 Zip Studio Shell enhanced Windows 3.x ZIP
_9VIAWIN.ZIP 349.4 KB 1994-02-24 Viaprint For Windows Update 1.5: Printing program for Win.
_SYSINFO.ZIP 24.8 KB 1994-02-14 SYSINFO Extracts Windows system info using VB 3.0.